The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Jul 22 12:34:23 CDT 2009

I do not think it right to pass on any $ amounts I've heard re Pynchon's 
received monies......the industry is full of hype and misinformation...
I have heard nothing I would fully trust. And I would hate myself (more).

I do trust the word that he received "a lot" and that it did not 'earn out".....earn out is publishing lingo for make enough in royalties to equal the advance.....

Sales stuff I posted is factual enough.......bookstores returned a lot too....

yes to lack of marketing......all of which probably did have to be approved by the Pynchons......Did all parties, the Pynchons and Penguin
expect reviews and cult and word of mouth to sell it well?....Dunno.

(I tried to get a panel sponsored. Penguin said they weren't doing that.)



--- On Wed, 7/22/09, Carvill John <johncarvill at> wrote:

> From: Carvill John <johncarvill at>
> Subject: RE: The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
> To: markekohut at
> Cc: pynchon-l at
> Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 12:51 PM
> << Pynchon received a lot of money---rumors abide---
> for Against the Day, which did not earn out, as they say in
> publishing. >>More info on this?<< His publisher
> wanted AtD-- remember "most accessible"--to sell and sell,
> maybe even bestsel>>Really? Maybe they ought to have
> devised some sort of marketing strategy! As I recall, there
> wasn't even a website for ATD. In fact their marketing was
> so piss poor that Doug even came up with teh theory that
> their non-advertising *was* advertising, that they were
> playing a game of genius 'viral' marketing.IV may be a book
> to bring P a wider readership. But how are people gonna
> *know* it's a more accessible work? Possibly P still holds
> his publisher back from certain types of marketing? And
> obviously he ain't gonna start Twittering any time
> soon.....
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