The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft

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Thu Jul 23 16:09:54 CDT 2009

Who among us would not want to see another massive tome from The Master? I 
am not, yet, ready to abandon hope (Dante may apply). Remember: at one point 
he told his agent that he was working on four novels at one go. Older though 
he may be, I find it hard to believe he has lost interest, or said all he 
has to say. More than one satisfying monster may be in our futures.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carvill, John" <john.carvill at>
To: "David Kipen" <kipend at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 7:41 AM
Subject: RE: The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft

> Heh. What I think, or rather, what is hope is: this can't be Pynchon's
> last book. Now, that ATD, it did feel like it could be his last book,
> and it even felt like Pynchon felt like it was his last book, 'specially
> at the end, with all that 'full fuckin circle' stuff [props to Tore Rye
> Andersen for first pointing out the appropriateness of that phrase]. So
> although we'd have been sad if we got no more Pynchon novels, it
> wouldn't've been any big surprise if ATD was his last triumphant trumpet
> blast. But IV, well, I love it, but it feels as David says, like a
> palate cleanser. So here's to greed, greed is good. Ruggles! Bring on
> the main course, we're ready for the surprise roast....


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