So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Fri Jul 31 08:54:20 CDT 2009

This is why you try to get a job at a bookstore—the Borders I worked  
at got AtD two weeks before street date. Let me tell you, choking that  
monster down in two weeks will give you a migraine.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:38 AM, David Morris wrote:

> Yeah, well I was an idiot and pre-ordered (meaning pre-paid for it)  
> it months ago.  Which SHOULD mean they'd send it to me BEFORE it  
> gets to the stores...
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Carvill, John  
> <john.carvill at> wrote:
> But, waiting for amazon on the 10th? If you can get to a bookstore  
> this
> weekend, you can probably get it? I

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