IVIV (11) 167

Clément Lévy clemlevy at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 08:05:27 CDT 2009

Hi all,
Here I come again (me re-voilà)

- Shasta's postcard: another photo in IV, see Richard Fiero's post  
(on photos from p. 1 to p. 73)
I'd add, until page 167
p.85: an allusion to the Polaroid of Coy that Doc got from Hope
p.104: Farley's collection of "environmental abuse"
p.137: Denis's pictures of Coy and the Boards
p.141-2: Farley's film of Glen's death
p. 167: Shasta's postcard
This picture could represent the ruins of Lemuria, the context  
induces us to think so.

- "some place besides a Pacific island whose name he couldn't pronounce"
Isn't there a typo here? shouldn't it be "beside?"

- "like a church spire only different"
One more of those "like… only different" sentences. How can we name  
this structure? a fake comparison? in linguistic terms, it could be  
an epanorthosis.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epanorthosis
Let's say a comparison + an epanorthosis, or do you have something  

Another building in this chapter is compared to a church:  
Resurrection of theBody p. 181. Many empty shapes of religious  
building here (p. 166 we already had "a great wet temple entrance"  
without any temple)

- "a strangely futuristic building," "covered in gold leaf"
It reminds me a building in Tokyo called the golden turd by most of  
the people who think it doesn't belong to the neighborhood, Asakusa,  
the shrine quarter. It was built by a famous French architect,  
Philippe Starck for a beer and soft drink company (drug business,  
addiction). But this must be only coincidental:


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