TRTR(I.3) Hidden Profits [Epigraph]

Paul Mackin mackin.paul at
Fri Apr 29 16:40:29 CDT 2011

On 4/29/2011 4:55 PM, Erik T. Burns wrote:
> Even a symptom in us all...
which the better educated among us have learned to suppress.  But which 
group is more authentic?

In real life the educated approach seems to be the better way.  To put 
it mildly.

In books it's better to let all hang out.


> On 29/04/2011, at 21:00, Richard Ryan<himself at>  wrote:
>> The homophobia in Gaddis may be like the misogyny in Pynchon; partly a
>> symptom of the times, partly a symptom in the author.
>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Paul Mackin<mackin.paul at>  wrote:
>>> On 4/29/2011 1:46 PM, David Morris wrote:
>>>> It was the overly-stereotypical dialogue of the various members of the
>>>> NYC (what I call) Whole Sick Crew that put me off last time I read TR.
>>>>   It's got to be satire, but not necessarily friendly satire.  It seems
>>>> very likely to me that V's Whole Sick Crew was inspired by this one in
>>>> TR.  And TRP's depiction of homosexuality in GR isn't too friendly
>>>> either.  I think men in their eras were a lot less at ease with
>>>> homosexuality in general
>>> Is it a good idea, though, to judge art (in this case literary writing) on
>>> the basis of fairness to minorities, or majorities for that matter?
>>> In discussions of TR the word authenticity is often in the fore.  Mark
>>> alluded to Trilling's Sincerity and Authenticity.   It's more than just that
>>> art isn't meant to teach good behavior.  It's that art itself is not good
>>> behavior.  In fact it is almost certainly bad behavior.  (in a manner of
>>> speaking) Bad behavior can hurt.
>>> The good news is we can appreciate it without having to act it out.  Or
>>> bring it home to the children.
>>> In life it's a good idea not to be too authentic.
>>> That's  the way I see it.  (not everyone does)
>>> P
>>>> David Morris
>>>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:37 PM, rich<richard.romeo at>   wrote:
>>>>> if only to play up those who aren't what they seem. if memory serves,
>>>>> The Swede is married but is a flamer
>>>>> but it's so clearly satirical--it doesn't seem malicious on gaddis' part
>>>>> (i.e. its what these people do that Gaddis mocks not who they are) at least
>>>>> thats how I see it
>> -- 
>> Richard Ryan
>> New York and the World
>> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
>> Thanks to all who saw VTM's new production!
>> "Brilliant!";"Superb!" -

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