Very misc related to grace

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Nov 27 11:48:51 CST 2012

I think he was exploring ideas, theories, philosophy in GR.  Probably less
so in his later works.  I don't think he's just being "entertaining" in GR.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at>wrote:

>  Yes. The "Big Ideas" are means to ends--the ends being the inventive
> portrayal of the uncanny, the weird, the divine, the unknown,  not to
> exclude the scary and funny.
> He doesn't write philosophical fiction or novels of ideas--he's not asking
> what is the purpose of our existence,  the meaning of life.
> He might well have said they fly toward grace or somethin'.  It would have
> sounded too flippant but it wouldn't have changed anything.
> So long as it works for him, and it pretty much has.
> P
> On 11/26/2012 9:10 PM, David Morris wrote:
> Well said, Alice!
>  Paradox, Koans & Pretzil Logic R Pynchon.  Yin Yang is about all the
> blends of duality, rarely the opposites alone.  His BIG ideas aren't
> polemic, they're exploratory.
>  David Morris
> On Monday, November 26, 2012, alice wellintown wrote:
>> Pynchon likes to take on the BIG ideas (Entropy, History, Virginity,
>> Gravity...Free Will & Grace) and turn them into pretzil logics or
>> force them into Koans that paradoxically turn out to be ironic book of
>> the dead (allusive parables) dead ends.
>> Now, I'm no expert on Grace, or Pynchon, but I suspect that his use of
>> Grace is an example of the propensity described above, and
>> specifically the paraodoxical BIG idea Grace/Free Will.
>> Why Pynchon does this or to what end is open to lotz of readings. I
>> suspect that he does it because he is lazy; he re-worksd old material
>> over and over again.
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