Deep State

Quizael quizael at
Wed Sep 24 04:59:26 CDT 2014

I don't think it should be overestimated the power of the nebulous deep state.  Yes, we are all profoundly fallible, but we are hypnotized.  There is a system at work that is mostly overpowering even to the beings who leave us to believe they run the show.  There may be decent humans who attempt to right, to alter, what so many of us sense is a gargantuan malaise to the structure of this world, and in fact we try to break through.  But there are agenies at play that simply run roughshod (?) over us.  Who runs this planet, theyre not really free actors. Theyre deeply programmed.  And so are we all.  Knowledge about this doesnt really get us anywhere. The best we can do is walk the earth in a state of grace, allow higher, benelovent energies to manifest, which for the most part we are controlled to deny, be willing to help when people are perishing from the extreme difficulties that arise from the wicked temporal maze of consciousness try our best to exist with integrity, speak from the heart, trust our fellow humans with respect and love and honor the struggle that we all deal with, in our own ways, in the deep state of power and existence.

Sent on the new Sprint Network

-------- Original message --------
From: David Morris <fqmorris at> 
Date: 09/23/2014  6:13 PM  (GMT-06:00) 
To: rich <richard.romeo at> 
Cc: Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at>, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>, pynchon -l <pynchon-l at> 
Subject: Re: Deep State 

Yes.  And some are much more blameworthy than others.  And it should not be forgotten that their plans often go completely awry, even backfire.

On Tuesday, September 23, 2014, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
Do we overlook human agency in these decisions? It's easy enough to blame institutions but seems to me we forget these are men and women with human fallabilities, with their own prejudices, desires, fears, cliques, as has been the case throughout history. I simy don't believe the "government", the "corporation" truly knows the full picture or why it does the things it does. Don't blame this nebulous deep state, blame the individual players, no?


On Tuesday, September 23, 2014, Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
Am 23.09.2014 09:15, schrieb Mark Kohut:
> Yes, sorry. footnote 1 is where it is at.

I didn't mean that, it was just that the "Susurluk scandal" came to mind:

When you have Abdullah Catli, assassin, drug dealer, leader of the Grey Wolves, good pal of Stefano delle Chiaie and organizer of the failed attempt at the life of Pope John Paul II. who is, not coincidentally, wanted by Interpol, riding in a car with "the deputy chief of the Istanbul Police Department" and "a Member of Parliament", you get a glimpse into the actual day-by-day workings of the "deep state."

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