GR translation: a cute little private yoo-hoo for 2-hoo

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Mon Jan 25 10:33:41 CST 2016

Yes, this. Especially in  1945, "for 2-hoo" also carries a parodic hint of
saccharine pop-song lyrics ("a cottage for two," "just me and my gal," yada

Jeremy, victorious, can afford to think of the encounter as a bluff manly
best-man-won, let-bygones-be-bygones reconciliation.

Roger, wounded and resentful, feels that's almost as far from the truth as
a romantic tete-a-tete would be.

And they settle, as men often do, for talking about safely remote and
"objective" matters instead.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at> wrote:

> Yoo-hoo is something said, by some, when attracting someone they know's
> attention - a cheery hey there. So I'd hazard that P has made this an
> ironic comment on Beaver and Roger's antipathy - the two hoo is just to
> make the (cute) rhyme.
> Mike Jing < at> wrote :
> > V709.13-25, P723.15-27   Who saves him (or interferes with his orgasm)?
> Why, Jeremy himself. Old Beaver shows up and waves off the heat, who go
> surly, fangflashing back to masturbating into Crime Does Not Pay Comics,
> gazing dreamy at guardroom pinups of J. Edgar Hoover or whatever it was
> they were up to, and the romantic triangle are suddenly all to have lunch
> together at the Club. Lunch together? Is this Noel Coward or some shit?
> Jessica at the last minute is overcome by some fictitious female syndrome
> which both men guess to be morning-sickness, Roger figuring she’ll do the
> most spiteful thing she can think of, Jeremy seeing it as a cute little
> private yoo-hoo for 2-hoo. So that leaves the fellas alone, to talk briskly
> about Operation Backfire, which is the British program to assemble some A4s
> and fire them out into the North Sea. What else are they going to talk
> about?What is "yoo-hoo for 2-hoo" exactly?
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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