Bleeding Edge in Russian

Max Nemtsov max.nemtsov at
Thu May 12 07:50:49 CDT 2016

yep, that's it. all real lit in Russia is marked 18+ and sold in 
plastic. this is one of the fruits of the present-day restrictive 
society and the bloody Kremlin regime

On 12.05.2016 15:45, John Bailey wrote:
> It's a beautiful thing!
> Is the 18+ on the cover an age restriction? I'd like to hear more
> about that. There's only ever been one 18+ novel here and it brought
> about a whole new law. American Psycho. Still can't be sold without a
> protective cover.
> Lots of other things that are 18+ only but they're not so literary.
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 10:32 PM, Charles Albert <cfalbert at> wrote:
>> Dude,
>> You're, like, the Constance Garnett of our generation.
>> Congratulations!
>> love,
>> cfa
>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Max Nemtsov <max.nemtsov at> wrote:
>>> Friends and colleagues,
>>> this is just to inform that Eksmo, the Russian publisher, after a year of
>>> procrastination (I really don't know what they did and why was the delay),
>>> is finally putting out Bleeding Edge in my humble translation. you may enjoy
>>> the cover art here:
>>> Mx
>>> -
>>> Pynchon-l /

Pynchon-l /

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