BtZ42 Misc.

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Mon May 16 06:02:50 CDT 2016

T.S. Eliot on poems and readers:
"the poem does its work upon him: much as the imaginary burglar is always
provided with a bit of nice meat for the house-dog ."

GR is a long extended poem, many will say. it is a Gothic, deeply
atmospheric novel-poem, most agree. GR's power affects us as we read, from
the first time (in half-understood but felt ways maybe)
thru later reads.

T.S. Eliot, a TRP influence, famously said THIS about how poems words and
structure work on readers even if we don't 'get' the content fully (bet he
was thinking of The Wasteland among others as all those images carried
feelings before we read the footnotes,-- he hoped).

So, how true are his words above about such a novel as GR, we can all jump
in on impressionistically. (the counterforce in lit crit are those who
argue sound and substance, image
and meaning, meat and stealth ....are one.)
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