Not really P (except as I project)

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Mon May 16 05:54:33 CDT 2016

My immersion in Pynchon this year may be summarized abstractly as a
full-minded, almost obsessional,  feeling of the deep relevance and beauty
of his insight into the excluded middle.

His clear seeing of binary distinctions as mostly bad shit; as mostly a
narrowing of 'the real world'
when THAT is the lens.

The current USA furor over transgender rights, transgender individuals and
their bathroom choices,
comes to me often unbidden as THAT problem. Another piercing way P saw
America unfold.

This below has no relevance to P nor even what I've just written but I
found it interesting in its social observations---I knew nothing of
'gender-reveal' parties--and some linkage between baby births and the NC
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