GR translation: the male embodiment of a technologique
Monte Davis
montedavis49 at
Tue Dec 5 10:27:09 CST 2017
I lean to the Master. It's chain sex/domination: we know Ilse was conceived
after Alpdrucken aroused Pokler; here he delights in *his own* submissions
to the Master (both a mythic abstraction and *Dominus* Blicero), who as we
saw at 's Gravenhage is more aroused the more abject the surrender of his
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 11:12 PM, Mike Jing < at>
> V578.21-33, P588.19-31 A curious potency. Whatever it was the real
> visionaries were picking up out of the hard tessitura of those days and
> city streets, whatever Käthe Kollwitz saw that brought her lean Death down
> to hump Its women from behind, and they to love it so, seemed now and then
> to have touched Pökler too, in his deeper excursions into the Mare
> Nocturnum. He found delight not unlike a razor sweeping his skin and
> nerves, scalp to soles, in ritual submissions to the Master of this night
> space and of himself, the male embodiment of a technologique that embraced
> power not for its social uses but for just those chances of surrender,
> personal and dark surrender, to the Void, to delicious and screaming
> collapse. . . . To Attila the Hun, as a matter of fact, come west out of
> the steppes to smash the precious structure of magic and incest that held
> together the kingdom of the Burgundians.
> Does "the male embodiment of a technologique..." refer to "the Master of
> this night space and of himself", or does it simply refer to Pökler himself?
> The published translation has it as the latter, but I'm not so sure.
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