Here Atticus, some examples

Robert Mahnke rpmahnke at
Mon Dec 18 15:30:26 CST 2017

"My criticism is that The Times and Post and others ignore the truth from
people like Risen to support presidential wars and aplogize later for the
lies, never seeming to realize ahead of time the horrible human crimes they
are endorsing."

At the risk of stating the obvious, James Risen is employed by The New York
Times, which is to say that not only do they not ignore him, they pay him a
salary to investigate and report on what he finds, and they pay for lawyers
to keep out of the big house when the government wants him to divulge his
sources. There's plenty of space to criticize the Times for its judgment in
deciding which stories to cover and how (>cough< her emails >cough<), and
also for its editorial positions (which seem to me to get more attention
than the former but to have much less impact), but really?

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 12:08 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:

> 50,000 Vietnam vets committed suicide after coming back from that war to
> defend LBJ’s big dick. I knew some of these devastated young men, so it
> matters to me whether it does to you or not. LBJ, in case you have fogotten
> this ancient history was a Democrat.
> Dick Nixon and Henry Kissiger should have been jailed for massive war
> crimes in multiple countries. Instead Kissiger and
> Nixon’s-favorite-son-Cheney continued their careers of mayhem, murder and
> theft with a great deal of praise from the press.
> James Risen almost got jailed by the Obama justice department who jailed
> Jeffrey Sterling without proof. Hardly a major victory for press freedom,
> though Risen is profoundly admirable as  an investigative journalist. My
> criticism has not one single sentence that condemns journalism in general.
> My criticism is that The Times and Post and others ignore the truth from
> people like Risen to support presidential wars and aplogize later for the
> lies, never seeming to realize ahead of time the horrible human crimes they
> are endorsing.
> The stuxnet story was only one part of the press’s coverage of Iran’s
> nuclear program. The press was in fact repating frequently the lie that
> Iran was working toward nuclear weapons  while pentagon findings reported
> by the unmentioned  Sy Hersch showed that this was not so. There never was
> a weapons program. Our sanctions were criminal and based on lies.  The
> agreement with Iran was good, but lies are lies.
> The expose of the catholic church was good and one of the things the press
> does best;  the current belated exposure of sexual predators in media and
> politics, the defense of gay marriage and human rights are areas whre the
> press has done good. What this current p-list argument centers around is
> some folks contention that these things do not come close to offsetting the
> massive bloodsed of US wars of agrgression supported by mainstream media.
> In the end there is no way to balance these scales, doing good and
> reporting truth is always important but even Nixon did some good things
> like detente with Mao and the environmental legislation. He is still
> responsible for his crimes.
> The waste and abuse in the petagon was also uncovered under Reagan. So far
> it has not produced diddly squat in actual accountability or change. I
> don’t know what is the answer but one thing is that media should be less
> enthusiastic about military spending. They never ask tough questions about
> this when spending bills are on the table.
>   Some important things you left out
> You left out the heroic acts of Edward Snowden exposing the mass
> survellance and lies of the NSA secretly endorsed by Obama.  The exposure
> of Hillary’s lies by Wikileaks, the undermining of Sanders by the DNC, the
> exposure of war crimes by Bradley Manning, the exposure of chemical weapons
> lies by Sy Hersh, or the torture of prisoners in Abu Graibh also by Sy
> Hersh. Or the history of war crimes in Vietnam by Nick Turse or the story
> of secret drone bases in Africa by Nick Turse.  The exposure of the CIA
> drug trafficking to fund the contras by Gary Webb( a story killed by NYT)
> The exposure of Kissinger’s crimes by Chris Hitchens and Sy Hersh. The
> crimes in Yemen by Jeremy Scahill. The   Iraqis and US soldiers poisoned by
> depleted uranium as  reported by Juan Gonzales. The Pentagon Papers by Dan
> Ellsberg.
> > On Dec 18, 2017, at 1:07 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> >
> > I feel like wasting my time with finger exercises today.
> >
> > Since we are back to the Vietnam era via Joseph, then how about that Wa
> Po
> > which brought down the most criminal President before the current one?
> > and the NYT on the Pentagon papers publishing?
> >
> > How about James Risen on national secrets in the NYT...I remember that
> Friday morning...
> > was driving long with my loved one and was the passenger...i often read
> to her......there was that
> > story, right hand prime space column...
> >
> > David Sanger on the Stuxnet virus. David Sanger on a hell of a lot of
> secrets.
> >
> > Marty Baron when he was at the Boston Globe and the Spotlight team which
> brought down
> > the whole Catholic hierarchy of Boston--and its power and control.
> >
> > How about Bob Woodward (and his assistant) in the Wa Po last December on
> the Pentagon study
> > of Waste, Fraud & Abuse which they commissioned and found to be $25
> billion dollars a year (or $125
> > billion for the five years) which THEY BURIED, of course, rather than
> make public. Which the Post did.
> >
> > How about the Wash Post with nine (9) sources outing the now pled-guilty
> to crimes former National Security Advisor ,
> > General Michael Flynn, fired because of it and more and now caught
> because of it...
> >
> > and like that.
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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