Pynchon & Christmastime, follow-up

Mike Sauve mpsauve at
Mon Dec 25 07:38:31 CST 2017

"Feasible joy" seems to encapsulate so much of what is at once sad and funny about the human slog as conveyed by TRP.

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> On Dec 25, 2017, at 6:32 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> I forgot to work in a hat-tip mention of Eckhardt's post on
> a Puritan Christmas and the creation of the modern Christmas
> which fed my riff at the end. 
> And, of course, I also forgot to simply point at those beautiful phrases.
> "tidings of explicit comfort, feasible joy" so great and so perfect
> in the perspective of a relief from the Siege that is History. A domesticated
> carnival, maybe?
> "Then for another moment it seems that all the Christmas bells in
> creation are about to join in chorus--that all their random pealing
> will be, this one time, coordinated, in harmony, present with tidings
> of explicit comfort, feasible joy." (GR, Pt. I,. p. 70)
> And LOOK what I found after writing! Non-violent anarchist Peter Kropotkin,
> he of Mutual Aid and much more on Christmas as all that:   
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