GR translation: booming over air-shafts

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Sun Dec 31 06:26:28 CST 2017

For "booming", my reading is that while the ghosts are too tenuous to
generate directly sounds we can hear, they can do so through amplification
in resonant spaces such as chimneys and air shafts. For the second,

seems closest -- if not quite apt, as neither ghosts nor wind actually
depress the roofing material. I think he's going for their fine
"engraving-like" patterns rather than the mechanism.

On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Mike Jing < at>

> Thinking it over yet again, I feel "making a deep, prolonged, resonant
> sound" is the correct meaning after all. What follows is "too tenuous
> _themselves_ for sound", which suggests that they are using air-shafts to
> make the booming sound since they cannot make any sound by themselves.
> Does this make any sense?
> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Mike Jing < at
> > wrote:
>> P140.32-35  Now ghosts crowd beneath the eaves. Stretched among snowy
>> soot chimneys, booming over air-shafts, too tenuous themselves for
>> sound, dry now forever in this wet gusting, stretched and never
>> breaking, whipped in glassy French-curved chase across the rooftops,
>> along the silver downs, skimming where the sea combs freezing in to
>> shore.
>> Does "booming" mean "making a deep, prolonged, resonant sound" here?
>> The published translation went with the other meaning, which doesn't
>> feel quite right to me.  I could be very wrong, of course.
>> Also, what exactly is "chase" here?  I have found:
>> 1. a rectangular iron frame in which composed type is secured or
>> locked for printing or platemaking.
>> 2. Building Trades . a space or groove in a masonry wall or through a
>> floor for pipes or ducts.
>> 3. a groove, furrow, or trench; a lengthened hollow.
>> and I am leaning towards #3.
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