GR translation: where it foams through breaches bombed underwater in the spring

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri Jul 7 10:22:37 CDT 2017

"it" is the boat.  Breaches in the breakwaters.

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Mike Jing < at>

> V497.26-33, P506.1-8   Crosscurrents tug at the boat as it moves out the
> widening funnel of the Swine, toward the sea. Just inside the breakwaters,
> where it foams through breaches bombed underwater in the spring *look*
> out, Frau Gnahb, with no change of expression, swings her wheel full over,
> goes barreling straight at the Sassnitz ferry *whoosh* veers away just in
> time, cackling at passengers staggering back from the rail, gaping after
> her. “Please, Mother,” silent Otto plaintive in the window of the pilot
> house. In reply the good woman commences bellowing a bloodthirsty
> Does "it" refer to the boat in this sentence? And where are these
> "breaches" exactly? Are they breaches in the breakwaters, or something else?
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