GR translation: The sun will rule all enterprise, if it be honest and sporting.

Mike Jing at
Tue Jul 11 02:54:36 CDT 2017

V508.35-41, P517.13-19   Holy-Center-Approaching is soon to be the number
one Zonal pastime. Its balmy heyday is nearly on it. Soon more champions,
adepts, magicians of all ranks and orders will be in the field than ever
before in the history of the game. The sun will rule all enterprise, if it
be honest and sporting. The Gauss curve will herniate toward the excellent.
And tankers the likes of Närrisch and Slothrop here will have already been
weeded out.

Here "it" refers to "enterprise", right? The published translation took it
as "the sun", which seems wrong to me.
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