Not P but DeLillo: Zero K Chinese Translation

Jochen Stremmel jstremmel at
Tue Oct 31 05:37:06 CDT 2017

Well put, John. And what I would try, Mike, is asking the publisher if you
couldn't be
the final editor for the Chinese GR. We all would give you a
recommendation, if needed.
And you could tell them that most of your solutions were checked and
by a heap of (self-appointed) experts.

2017-10-31 10:56 GMT+01:00 John Bailey <sundayjb at>:

> Sorry to hear that Mike - I for one welcome any Zero K questions, and
> might finally read it to help out! Your translation queries and p-list
> responses feel like one of the rare good things the internet was meant to
> enable.
> On 31 Oct 2017 4:46 pm, "Mike Jing" < at> wrote:
>> Hello Dear P-Listers,
>> GR has to wait. The publisher of the Chinese translation of GR is issuing
>> a new edition, with corrections suggested by no fewer than ten experts. It
>> seems that the new edition isn't out yet, but judging from the samples of
>> suggested changes they sent me, many serious errors still remain. In any
>> case, I won't be able to have my own version published anytime soon since
>> they have sole publishing rights in China. I'll have to either wait for it
>> to expire or convince them of the superiority of my own translation. But
>> they are already committed, which is understandable.
>> That's the bad news. The good news is that I have landed a gig with them
>> to translate Don DeLillo's Zero K, which I have been working on for the
>> past couple of months. It's fairly short, and nowhere near as difficult to
>> translate as GR. But I do have a number of questions now that the first
>> pass is finished. I hope it's OK for me to ask them here. There won't be
>> too many, I promise.
>> I should also mention that there is already a Chinese translation of Zero
>> K published in Taiwan translated by a Taiwanese translator.  Of course I
>> have not read it in order to avoid any undue influence.
>> Thanks in advance for your kind help.
>> Mike Jing
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