M & D Group Read (cont.)

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 06:26:00 CST 2018

"One can question the propriety of publishing these immoral
disclosures to the world"--from the author's intro, paraphrased.


On 1/22/18, Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de> wrote:
> Speaking of checking off the obvious: The bar joke is echoed later on in
> the Captive's Tale (p. 511 ff.), that is it points forward to Zarpazo,
> the Wolf of Jesus, and Captain Zhang, the Chinaman (although, as Zhang
> emphasises, not necessarily a Lascivious Chinaman).
> China and Chinamen come in through the Jesuits exploits in China and
> via, very broadly speaking, Feng Shui vs. Jesuit rationality and
> scientific prowess. But keep in mind that Captain Zhang and Zarpazo may
> actually be one and the same person.
> Behind this I see, as I said, Hofstadter's essay with its take on
> Masonic and Jesuit conspiracy theories. The Captive's Tale appears to be
> inspired by the novel "Awful Disclosures", mentioned by Hofstadter.
> As for the balloons, see Francesco Lana de Terzi and Bartolomeu de Gusmão.
> I have no idea, however, who the Corsican might be...
>> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com
>> <mailto:mark.kohut at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     A Chinaman, a Jesuit and a Corsican....etc.
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