AtD translation: invested in, invested by

Jochen Stremmel jstremmel at
Tue Feb 2 08:48:32 UTC 2021

Taller still if you consider that he's playing with words here, too.

Am Di., 2. Feb. 2021 um 09:17 Uhr schrieb David Morris <fqmorris at>:

> Mike,
> I enjoy participating in your Pynchon text translation questions.  They are
> fun diversions.  But often your questions seem aimed for interpretations.
> That makes sense, of course, but I would suggest you keep track of
> divergent interpretations, and translate to include the ambiguity of
> Pynchon's word and logic games.  Pynchon loves paradox. This "invest in -
> invest by" is pure paradox.  Pynchon at play.  Translating that is a tall
> order.
> David Morris

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