No comment although I have them.

Mach Thomberi machthomberi at
Thu Oct 14 22:48:37 UTC 2021

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:46 PM Mach Thomberi <machthomberi at>

> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:45 PM Mach Thomberi <machthomberi at>
> wrote:
>> I don't get these songs.  I have not even listened to them.
>> How they relate to Pynchon, well I might know if she didn't have all my
>> books.
>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:38 PM Mach Thomberi <machthomberi at>
>> wrote:
>>> I told my ex, because I couldn't stand the incessant texts--oh here is
>>> another one--that are mind and soul numbing iterations of sheer
>>> obtuse rage, to try contacting me irather in songs.
>>> Which she has proceeded in doing...
>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:13 PM Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
>>>> Nah, I think I'm more the kidney, too occasionally the spleen.
>>>> Go in peace.
>>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:49 PM Mach Thomberi <machthomberi at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Mark, come on, you are the god of plist.
>>>>> It would not exist without you.
>>>>> You are a Titan.
>>>>> You make light in a world of darkness.
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 4:14 PM Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Take care.
>>>>>> I do not think I am what you say about the plist. He is buried in
>>>>>> Milwaukee, with a seat in his name at his favorite movie theater.
>>>>>> I just 1) usually respond.    2) like to send some stuff I find that
>>>>>> might interest and might lead to discussion.
>>>>>> I am away from it for days and weeks at a time. Monroe never was.
>>>>>> I'm sorry for your turmoil and loss.
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:10 PM Mach Thomberi <machthomberi at>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> We all know that you are the heart and soul of plist, Mark.  Without
>>>>>>> you it would be the nonplist.
>>>>>>> As I sat down to write this, your email came in.  As I am writing
>>>>>>> it, there is one from Morrrs.  Which I'll receive after this.
>>>>>>> The most amazing thing happened.  I left my woman a few days ago..
>>>>>>> And in doing so, I told her that I can no longer bare her rage.
>>>>>>> Fair enough.  I was being the cool guy in leaving..  Then I got this
>>>>>>> email, from you idiots.  Saying something about Israel.  And it is obvious,
>>>>>>> that, something, like rage, fell forth.  I was telling her about her rage,
>>>>>>> when then something, emanated.  Perhaps there is something within me.
>>>>>>> Maybe we suppress it.
>>>>>>> The timing of it was exquisite.
>>>>>>> And everything I say is true.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 3:48 PM Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Because it isn't TOTAL. 😇
>>>>>>>> I will add that the admin has a TOTAL, speaking of totalizing, ALL
>>>>>>>> OF GOVERNMENT mandate re attacking climate change.
>>>>>>>> Worked into diplomacy, all other bills (if they can be), executive
>>>>>>>> orders, as has happened.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 3:52 PM Mach Thomberi <
>>>>>>>> machthomberi at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> One might what.  I didn't quite get the jizz of that mindless
>>>>>>>>> schpieel.
>>>>>>>>> Why can't we change it from the plist to the
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 14, 2021 12:02 PM, "Mark Kohut" <mark.kohut at>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Also, the US commitments to effect climate change, have been
>>>>>>>>>> called by an
>>>>>>>>>> outside organization, policies that match
>>>>>>>>>> the recommendations as necessary, that if all countries were to
>>>>>>>>>> commit to
>>>>>>>>>> and do would meet the goal
>>>>>>>>>> of staying under 2 degrees Celsius per the recent MAJOR, scary, UN
>>>>>>>>>> Report.....
>>>>>>>>>> That is, these policies meet the UN Report's recommendations to
>>>>>>>>>> achieve the
>>>>>>>>>> stated goal. One might think the admin
>>>>>>>>>> talked to the UN as that report was being written---the science
>>>>>>>>>> compiled
>>>>>>>>>> over years, as we know--and met the guidelines. One might.....
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 11:17 AM Joseph Tracy <brook7 at>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >  I don't have that clear a take on some imagined world
>>>>>>>>>> majority  and I
>>>>>>>>>> > wish I could sincerely agree but at this point I stand with
>>>>>>>>>> Greta,  what we
>>>>>>>>>> > hear from so called leaders is blah blah, blah, and what we see
>>>>>>>>>> is growing
>>>>>>>>>> > arms sales , continued growth in C02 emissions, threats  and
>>>>>>>>>> violent
>>>>>>>>>> > blockades by the US,  mass survellance, publishers being
>>>>>>>>>> tortured for
>>>>>>>>>> > publishing the same thing as the NY Times,  pipelines and a
>>>>>>>>>> revived nuclear
>>>>>>>>>> > arms program.  I could go on but what is the point.
>>>>>>>>>> >    It’s true that there are many, many people who want change
>>>>>>>>>> and they
>>>>>>>>>> > gladden my heart as they do yours. They are not yet organized
>>>>>>>>>> as an
>>>>>>>>>> > effective agent of change though most do what they can. In the
>>>>>>>>>> lead up to
>>>>>>>>>> > the second Iraq war the world saw the biggest anti-war
>>>>>>>>>> demonstration in
>>>>>>>>>> > human history and the biggest global demonstration ever,
>>>>>>>>>> rivaled only by
>>>>>>>>>> > climate crisis activism. It did not stop the war and was barely
>>>>>>>>>> covered in
>>>>>>>>>> > the US press.
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > On Oct 14, 2021, at 10:00 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > I will assert as baldly as your assertions that the majority of
>>>>>>>>>> the people
>>>>>>>>>> > in the Pokey Little Puppy's Whole
>>>>>>>>>> > Wide World are acting and imagining outside of this blanket
>>>>>>>>>> condemnation:
>>>>>>>>>> >  "imagine solutions than are not reliant on war, poisons and
>>>>>>>>>> ecological
>>>>>>>>>> > rape."
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > Many businesses, many countries, with whatever else they are
>>>>>>>>>> also doing,
>>>>>>>>>> > are acting FINALLY against this 'reliance".
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 9:51 AM Joseph Tracy <brook7 at>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> The historic creation of Israel is a subject that has already
>>>>>>>>>> led to many
>>>>>>>>>> >> many books and articles.  I have read quite a few of those
>>>>>>>>>> books. What I
>>>>>>>>>> >> said is what I said, and I wasn’t trying to ccomplish whatever
>>>>>>>>>> you or
>>>>>>>>>> >> mathew c think I should have been. But without a doubt the
>>>>>>>>>> so-called
>>>>>>>>>> >> creation of Israel has involved decades of assult on the
>>>>>>>>>> Palestinians who
>>>>>>>>>> >> lived there before the Jewish settlers came. It was as much an
>>>>>>>>>> act of
>>>>>>>>>> >> destruction and theft in my view as an act of creation. In the
>>>>>>>>>> same way the
>>>>>>>>>> >> “creation” of the US required a destructive assault on
>>>>>>>>>> indiginous people.
>>>>>>>>>> >> Israel seems to me to follow the biblical paradigm of Zionism
>>>>>>>>>> layed out in
>>>>>>>>>> >> the legends of Joshua and later David. I think that is clear
>>>>>>>>>> enough and
>>>>>>>>>> >> quite defensible as a proposition.
>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>> >>  As far as I can tell most countries are acts of imagination
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> >> violence based on tilling and armies, they are a product of
>>>>>>>>>> the paradigm of
>>>>>>>>>> >> war . National borders and rules are usually a lot more
>>>>>>>>>> arbitrary than
>>>>>>>>>> >> natural human self organizing and require leaders imposing
>>>>>>>>>> taxes  through
>>>>>>>>>> >> violence. Since the advent of mass production and fossil fuels
>>>>>>>>>> we have a
>>>>>>>>>> >> new paradigm that combines the economic predations of
>>>>>>>>>> investment capitalism
>>>>>>>>>> >> with the military power or imperial alliances. This is quickly
>>>>>>>>>> destroying
>>>>>>>>>> >> the biospheric stability of the planet.  Our imaginations
>>>>>>>>>> could be put to
>>>>>>>>>> >> better use. We are not bound to follow our path of self
>>>>>>>>>> destruction by
>>>>>>>>>> >> anything other than unwillingness to face the problems  and
>>>>>>>>>> imagine
>>>>>>>>>> >> solutions than are not reliant on war, poisons and ecological
>>>>>>>>>> rape.
>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > On Oct 14, 2021, at 7:49 AM, Mark Kohut <
>>>>>>>>>> mark.kohut at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Joseph,
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Without distinctions, your generalities about all countries
>>>>>>>>>> everywhere
>>>>>>>>>> >> and when are always correct.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Yet say nothing substantive about the creation of Israel--or
>>>>>>>>>> any other
>>>>>>>>>> >> country for that matter.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > And do little (or nothing) for discussion of all your
>>>>>>>>>> Historic evils
>>>>>>>>>> >> but show us a nice, beautifully-expressed personal credo--open
>>>>>>>>>> to all: "the
>>>>>>>>>> >> heart of this holy path is to choose life, to love the great
>>>>>>>>>> mystery of
>>>>>>>>>> >> being wih all the heart and all the mind and the very kernel
>>>>>>>>>> of life we
>>>>>>>>>> >> have been given, and to treat others as we wish to be treated.”
>>>>>>>>>> >> Guess what. That is not a personal credo, Those are ideas from
>>>>>>>>>> Judaism(
>>>>>>>>>> >> The Torah and Maimonedes) which I appreciate and try to honor
>>>>>>>>>> in my life.
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Mark
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 12:21 AM Joseph Tracy <
>>>>>>>>>> brook7 at
>>>>>>>>>> >> <mailto:brook7 at>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Annihilation is a loaded word. It sounds cruel and violent.
>>>>>>>>>> Truthfully
>>>>>>>>>> >> though, a name or concept or form of government can be
>>>>>>>>>> eliminated or
>>>>>>>>>> >> replaced without destroying human lives or poisoning the
>>>>>>>>>> earth. Nations and
>>>>>>>>>> >> religions have changed and died before with little or even
>>>>>>>>>> benign
>>>>>>>>>> >> consequences. And those nations  that survived and rose to
>>>>>>>>>> become “great
>>>>>>>>>> >> powers" have a pretty shitty track record to justify
>>>>>>>>>> themselves. Imagine
>>>>>>>>>> >> all the people living life in peace.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > I don’t know exactly what Thomberi ( sounds a made up name)
>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> >> intending, whether tongue in cheek or weirdly sincere, but I
>>>>>>>>>> think matthew
>>>>>>>>>> >> c is wildly sentimentalizing how Israel came into being. As to
>>>>>>>>>> what is to
>>>>>>>>>> >> be done. It is a question for all of us, not just Israel.
>>>>>>>>>> Settler
>>>>>>>>>> >> colonialism and its cruelties are embedded in most of the
>>>>>>>>>> world. Western
>>>>>>>>>> >> civilization as configured has desertified vast parts of the
>>>>>>>>>> globe, moved
>>>>>>>>>> >> sane indiginous cultures into bantustans and is rapidly
>>>>>>>>>> destroying the
>>>>>>>>>> >> diverse species upon which life as we know it exists, rapidly
>>>>>>>>>> moving us
>>>>>>>>>> >> toward waves of mass destruction . As for me, yes i really am
>>>>>>>>>> ready to hand
>>>>>>>>>> >> over my land and the very concept of property to the tribal
>>>>>>>>>> peoples of
>>>>>>>>>> >> north america. Would they want this mess, our mini-flags,
>>>>>>>>>> banks and
>>>>>>>>>> >> fracking machines? I don’t know, but I could not be more
>>>>>>>>>> serious about my
>>>>>>>>>> >> acre of workspace , fruit trees, asparagus, maple trees, and
>>>>>>>>>> stone walls.
>>>>>>>>>> >> My whole life is about the effort to move myself and others
>>>>>>>>>> toward an
>>>>>>>>>> >> ecologically sustainable life, and the biggest impediment to
>>>>>>>>>> change is the
>>>>>>>>>> >> settler colonialist warfare that continues from the ancient to
>>>>>>>>>> the modern
>>>>>>>>>> >> world, that turns from warlordism to nationalism  to imperial
>>>>>>>>>> warfare. What
>>>>>>>>>> >> Israel and the US and China and Russia and Brazil and Canada
>>>>>>>>>> and so many
>>>>>>>>>> >> rapacious military dictatorships are expressing in this shared
>>>>>>>>>> planet  is
>>>>>>>>>> >> varying forms of  sociopathic madness organized by  self
>>>>>>>>>> destructive
>>>>>>>>>> >> dreams, egomania, and imaginary polities that have ravaged our
>>>>>>>>>> common sense
>>>>>>>>>> >> as animals, our friendliness as neighbors, our ability to
>>>>>>>>>> choose life above
>>>>>>>>>> >> what they have too offer. And what do they have to offer as
>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>> >> civilization crumbles? Comfortable places to watch the world
>>>>>>>>>> burn, endless
>>>>>>>>>> >> entertaining air conditioned shitpiles, debt,  fat people
>>>>>>>>>> eating big juicy
>>>>>>>>>> >> hamburgers and an all too violent and real global
>>>>>>>>>> annihilation, James Bond
>>>>>>>>>> >> may or may not have lost his dick, but he stil has a license
>>>>>>>>>> to kill.
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >  Zionism is the same disease as the master race, manifest
>>>>>>>>>> destiny,
>>>>>>>>>> >> salafism, pax romana, capitalism, militarism. Its origins can
>>>>>>>>>> be read by
>>>>>>>>>> >> anyone. Joshua crosses into “ the promised land” to kill the
>>>>>>>>>> sinful
>>>>>>>>>> >> Canaanites or make them into slaves to the chosen
>>>>>>>>>> people.”Blessed is he who
>>>>>>>>>> >> dashes thy little ones against a stone”. This fable has become
>>>>>>>>>> the script
>>>>>>>>>> >> for modern day Israel, just as some version of this script has
>>>>>>>>>> written so
>>>>>>>>>> >> much human history. It will script global suicide if we let
>>>>>>>>>> it. If we
>>>>>>>>>> >> cannot prevent it.
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Zionism was never the remarkable part of Judaism, the heart
>>>>>>>>>> of this
>>>>>>>>>> >> holy path is to choose life, to love the great mystery of
>>>>>>>>>> being wih all the
>>>>>>>>>> >> heart and all the mind and the very kernel of life we have
>>>>>>>>>> been given, and
>>>>>>>>>> >> to treat others as we wish to be treated.
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > On Oct 13, 2021, at 4:14 PM, matthew cissell <
>>>>>>>>>> mccissell at
>>>>>>>>>> >> <mailto:mccissell at>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Mach,
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > So let me see. You seem to propose the annihilation of
>>>>>>>>>> Israel, a
>>>>>>>>>> >> country
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > created whole cloth from ideas, dreams, stories and more
>>>>>>>>>> by carving
>>>>>>>>>> >> out a
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > space for that community that had formed a nation but
>>>>>>>>>> lacked a state.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Ok. Two things (that I'll say) occur to me: What do you
>>>>>>>>>> propose for
>>>>>>>>>> >> the
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > people? Do you have some... solution for them as well?
>>>>>>>>>> Would it be
>>>>>>>>>> >> the same
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > for Arabic and Jewish citizens? What would it entail?
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Next: If you (and others that share your view) are the
>>>>>>>>>> descendent of
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Europeans living in the Americas (or some other previously
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > colonized place), I suppose you are also ready to 'undo'
>>>>>>>>>> your county
>>>>>>>>>> >> and
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > hand over your land to the indigenous communities. Or are
>>>>>>>>>> you writing
>>>>>>>>>> >> from
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > somewhere else, in which case we might talk about that
>>>>>>>>>> place.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Criticizing the trespasses of any country or government is
>>>>>>>>>> one thing,
>>>>>>>>>> >> but
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > calling for its abolition is something else. The actions
>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>> >> Israeli
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > government have often been reprehensible or even criminal,
>>>>>>>>>> but that
>>>>>>>>>> >> does
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > not justify your language, which would certainly find
>>>>>>>>>> applause and
>>>>>>>>>> >> echoes
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > in a certain rising current in not only US political
>>>>>>>>>> discourse but
>>>>>>>>>> >> more
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > widely.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > I'm responding not because I think your mind is likely to
>>>>>>>>>> be changed
>>>>>>>>>> >> but
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > because I want you and others to know that in this open
>>>>>>>>>> forum you
>>>>>>>>>> >> will find
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > voices that do not apathetically ignore your statements.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Ne Obliviscaris
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Matthew Cissell
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 4:33 PM Mach Thomberi <
>>>>>>>>>> machthomberi at
>>>>>>>>>> >> <mailto:machthomberi at>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> No we wouldn't want that would we.  Deprive Israel water
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> >> medicine.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> What would be marvelous.  Would be removing Israel from
>>>>>>>>>> the map.
>>>>>>>>>> >> Cut it
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> out and dispense it into the ether.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> Then do likewise of our collective memory of Israel.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> On Oct 13, 2021 9:23 AM, "Joseph Tracy" <brook7 at
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>> >> brook7 at>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> I would not go so far as to cut Israelis off from
>>>>>>>>>> medicine or clean
>>>>>>>>>> >> water
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> as they have done to Gaza, but a cultural boycott is
>>>>>>>>>> potentially a
>>>>>>>>>> >> way to
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> bring the debate into a more public sphere. We need
>>>>>>>>>> equally to
>>>>>>>>>> >> confront
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> what so many in the western press and politics  have
>>>>>>>>>> done on this
>>>>>>>>>> >> issue.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> They  have supported  the insane idea that anyone who
>>>>>>>>>> publicly
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> criticizes
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> Israel’s abuse of Palestinians is doing so out of
>>>>>>>>>> anti-semitism.
>>>>>>>>>> >> They
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> are
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> labeled  anti-semitic even if they are Jews whose
>>>>>>>>>> parents and
>>>>>>>>>> >> relatives
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> survived or died  in Nazi concentration camps.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>  Sally Rooney said she would be honored to have her book
>>>>>>>>>> translated
>>>>>>>>>> >> to
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> Hebrew but will not work with a publisher who does not
>>>>>>>>>> distance
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> themselves
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> from Israel’s aparteid treatment of Palestinians.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> On Oct 11, 2021, at 3:44 PM, David Morris <
>>>>>>>>>> fqmorris at
>>>>>>>>>> >> <mailto:fqmorris at>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> Why no comment?  This is a place for opinion.  As for
>>>>>>>>>> me, I say
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> Bravo!  I
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> think Israel deserves full apartheid treatment right
>>>>>>>>>> now.  And too
>>>>>>>>>> >> many
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> people are afraid to say so.   There!  I said it.
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> David Morris
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 3:25 PM Mark Kohut <
>>>>>>>>>> mark.kohut at
>>>>>>>>>> >> <mailto:mark.kohut at>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> allow-her-latest-novel-to-be-translated-into-hebrew/
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>> Pynchon-L:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>> Pynchon-L:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> --
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>> Pynchon-L:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> --
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >> Pynchon-L: <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > >>
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > --
>>>>>>>>>> >> > > Pynchon-L: <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>> >> > --
>>>>>>>>>> >> > Pynchon-L: <
>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>> >> --
>>>>>>>>>> >> Pynchon-L:
>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Pynchon-L:

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