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view of the kitchen from the living room
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more brown paneling in the kitchen,
but nothing a little paint won't fix!
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teeny-weeny dinning area in kitchen

     We are buying the townhouse from one of Jeff's former co-workers.  (I should say Jeff is buying the townhouse, since not having a current reliable income might goof-up our chances of getting the place.)  Rob and his wife Kris have put a lot of time and sweat equity into really transforming the townhouse into a beautiful living space.  Needless to say, I will be painting these hideous brown paneling cupboards!
     Check it out...there is a non-human dishwasher!  Luckily the stove is gas, too (love those gas stoves).  First order of purchasing:  find a small table and two chairs for the "grand dining room."

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our own washer and dryer!
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this will be a darkroom

     The basement has it's own laundry/storage room, which is fairly large.  Finally, no more waiting for ten people to finish their laundry--we will be able to wash whenever we want!  I told Jeff we should put a little jar by the laundry machines, and put quarters in the jar every time we do the wash.   When the jar is full, we'll have a little spending money for decorating or improvements.
     Around the corner from the laundry is a storage hall, which will be perfect for a darkroom.  I am very excited to have my own printing facilities, since I will then be able to print late at night or on Sundays, when the MARC is not open.   Not pictured, under the stairway, is another storage area.  Sylvan will be able to hang-out there when he is naughty (just kidding).

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