

power, corruption, & lies substance
imprisoning a Dark Judge in your body just can't be that fun

Okay, if you really want to know about how I got interested in Judge Dredd, I suppose I will bore you with the story.

It started with my friend Chad, who was my best friend in junior high. I think that we were one of the most unlikely friends in that class...he was bright but unmotivated, and probably our class clown; I was one of the geeky kids, but I was making an attempt to be cool. But he got me started skateboarding (at which I always have and will suck), and got me listening to some thrash metal, of which Anthrax was one of our favorites. (I bought a DRI album a little while ago because it had Beneath the Wheel on it, just for old times' sake...this also reminds me that I will probably have to list the "guilty pleasures" section of my CD collection...and maybe my tapes...)

Anyway, our favorite album was Among the Living, which among other things, had a song about Judge Dredd on it. In the liner notes or somewhere, there was mention of Judge Dredd being a cool comic book. Being the comic geek that I am (I had almost completed my Star Wars collection at that point...), I knew I had to check it out. Luckily, my local comic book store, Capital City Comics had the best selection of Judge Dredd back issues I've seen anywhere. And thus the addiction began.

Dredd as a Sov judge have stub gun, will 