

power, corruption, & lies substance
Elric wielding Stormbringer

Unlike many other people, I think much of the artwork in the comic adaptations of Michael Moorcock's work hasn't been that great. I don't think a lot of P. Craig Russell. That being said, I can't turn down one of my favorite authors. Not to mention that he just did a 12-issue original work that had about 5 different plots running through it, covering 5 different timelines. The other comics aside from Elric (Hawkmoon, Corum...) are rather hard to find. Most annoying.

  • Elric #1-7
  • Elric: Weird of the White Wolf #x-6
  • Elric: Bane of the Black Sword #4-6
  • Elric: Stormbringer #x
  • Corum #x
  • Hawkmoon #?
  • other stuff
Arioch! Master! I 
invoke thee, Lord of Chaos! spooooky, isn't it?