

power, corruption, & lies substance

Star of movies, and a big influence on pop culture. The comic wasn't quite as big a hit, but it lasted for 107 issues...a not insignificant portion of time. While it wasn't always that great, there are some fun stories, and a few issues (#37 especially) had excellent art. You also have to love Luke building a second, short lightsaber to go up against the combination lightsaber/material cat-o'-nine-tails, and the Nagai, pale, dark-haired freaks, most of whom had single or double-mohawks. And Han flying all over. Oh, and Boba Fett, the mini-sandcrawler, Han, and the Sarlacc Pit.

Good art?  From Marvel?
  • Star Wars #1-107
  • Annuals #1-3
  • Return of the Jedi #1-4
  • other stuff
Chewie goin' crazy 