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International Acompanamiento | The word of the acompanantes

International Acompanamiento


It is important us to leave established very clearly what we understand by international accompaniment so that confusions or espectativas are not generated in another sense, but the one that really it has within the framework of as we are considering this activity, that by the way, does not obey to tastes or desires, but that tries to respond to a reality of our towns and to own conditions of ours organizacion.
We will begin to make a distinction between accompaniment and observation.
Us to observe it is to be a little from outside, of passive way in the communities. Maintaining until certain point an impartial paper. observation at the most takes the registry of the events in each reality.
The accompaniment builds the framework for a little but commitment, certain type of performance, that it does not correspond to a member of organizacion or the community, but that is not either reduced single to watch what happens around to his, but that it walks to our side, to side of organizacion and of the community. That is to say, the accompaniment is to go one next to the other, to become jumbled in which they invite to us, to be part of the growth process, is to be with the other, to eat with the other, to live with the other, to learn with the other. accompany it is because to overcome the solitude of the one and the other, to feel and knowledge that we are not single, but that is somebody always next to us.
In such sense the accompaniment for us implies to become jumbled of any way in the daily life of organizacion and its members.
We know that this represents the risk of which they are known like are our towns and ours organizacion, its virtues and contradictions and, therefore, that can disappoint who could have thought that the fight or the indigenous life, in their members, organizations and communities are the ideal, where contradictions do not exist and everything is happiness. Nevertheless, we thought that the unica possibility that we pruned to construct global networks of rebeldia to the neoliberalism happens because the movements and the people are in real contexts and that they learn and they construct and they sound in the same context.
For that reason we have paid attention the necessity to construct a model of roundtrip solidarity, where each one of the participants we give what we have and what makes lack we constructed it, for example the magonistas communities we are professional of the hope and the optimism Still like experts in peaceful resistance, among other things, and that we contributed which they visit to us.
Who accompany to us protect to us with their presence, also of which they embosom to us what they know in the computation, the language, the field, panaderia, Health, the education, infinity of saberes that they have.
Asi the things, our idea of accompaniment tendria the following ones...


1) Frenar a little the federal, state and local scaling of violence against ours organizacion that make the different police bodies, military, paramilitary and authorities.
2) Intercambiar experiences of work with the communities, in especificos projects that are esten developing then.
3) Encontrar the organizativas experiences and of rebeldia that each one of the participants we have in our respective places.
4) Fortalecer which each one knows with the knowledge of the other, in concrete works.
5) Fortalecer the bows of solidarity between the towns, Still like the hope of which the unit of the fights and the efforts there of the sea is possible but.
6) Proporcionar the greater amount of information with respect to the realities of each one of the participants, to sensitize to us and to fortify the commitment of participation in each one of our places.
7) Establecer concrete commitments of pursuit as much of which they remain in the communities like which they return to his places of origin.


Given the diverse characteristics of our work, that has unevennesses in each one of the communities, as much in its organizational process as Popular indigenous Advice of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon" and community, we have raised the following types of acompanamiento with certain particularitity of characteristic.

Communitarian Acompanamiento:
This it is made directly in the communities, where the acompanantes you would deberan to all along live and single to lower to the meetings of evaluation with the Council of the Councils, the Organizing Meeting or the person in charge of the area.
It is possible to mention that in these same communities we have different levels from participation in organizacion and in some cases the internal situation is complicated, Still we have the communitarian accompaniment is possible to be given in three levels:
a. Communities where mayoria we are of the CIPO-RFM. In these communities: Santa Maria Yaviche, San Isidro the Reformation, San Isidro Aloapam, Plan of Zaragoza, Yucubey de Cuitlahuac, the Hill, Jaltepetongo
b. where we are in equilibrium of forces: Union and Progress, Santiago Yagallo
c. where we are minoria: Santiago Nuyoo, San Cristobal Amoltepec, San Pedro Juchatengo, Oaxaca, The Crucesita Huatulco

Acompanamiento to the Organizacion:
This it is made participating in all the activities that become in CIPO-RFM, as much in the house of organizacion in Oaxaca, like in the communities. But the permanence fixes is in the City of Oaxaca, although accompany permanently to the different people in charge of the areas from work from the communities or the different regional, state or national events.
In the case of this accompaniment it is to participate in factories, meetings of information, text translation, elaboration of communication, qualification, information materials, etc, elaboration of projects, ensenanza of languages, ensenanza of computation, Internet and demas.

Customized Acompanamiento:
This it is made with the intention to give protection to the commissioned comrades of the organizing meeting, of the advice of the advice or of the communities and to avoid that they stop them, they kidnap, they disappear or they kill. Who hecen this type of accompaniment goes to all sides with companero/a that is assigned. Of direct way they are put in agreement with companero/para to see as this activity is made. The place of residence of this acompanante is the same one that has or the assigned companera, that is to say, can be in the community or Oaxaca, but what if must be clear it is that this type of companion has much mobility and is required of people that can hold a shaken rate, of constant movement and traveling much.


a) interview with us or some of the meeting points that exist, According to pais: (Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Espana, England, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgica, Holland)
b) In these meeting points, it develops factories, to char them, readings, etc., to have the greater one I number of information on the CIPO-RFM and the indigenous communities, to approach but Mexico, Oaxaca and Politicall, economica, social and cultural the reality of our towns.
c) When arriving at Oaxaca, entrevistara with the CIPO-RFM and was developed collaboration sessions, of knowledge, exchange of information I practice of the CIPO-RFM and in its form of life, in work and everything what can be util, Since of this first approach is participated in a factory with or the commissioners of the CIPO-RFM for knowledge of organizacion.
d) To participate in some communitarian activity of the CIPO-RFM, accompanied to some of the members of the CIPO-RFM, preference in the communities where it is possible that it makes the accompaniment and on the basis of the work of some of the projects that are esten making
e) Since of this, organizacion define if the accompaniment is made and in which places. The decision of the place is done counting on the participation of or the acompnante.

The international acompanantes

a) selection criteria:
The idea is not that they are a series of rigid and unremovable aspects, but that serve as reference so that we pruned to have people but the near thing the present necessities. Of there that the elements that are enumerated can be fulfilled all, mayoria or some whatever. The final election to grant or not it recommendation certainty, finanlmente you would dependeran of the personal treatment that is had with each one of the interested ones, but always taking into account, somehow, the criteria that consider.
- That knows to do something I practice: seam, medicine, culture, panaderia, computation, theater, musica, languages, manualidades, cook, handling (to lead), mecanica, electricity, etc.
- disposition Must to contribute something concrete organizacion, that it can serve for the own work as organizacion or for the communities. For the contribution, one is due to consider I engage in a dialog with organizacion to see that it is what it is needed and to where is destined. It is not possible to give things to people in individual. If one thinks to give something to some debera community to engage in a dialog itself first with organizacion to make the valuations respective.
- To participate in the factory of approach with organizacion: This activity realizaraa in country of origin of each one of and the internacionalist ones, having like objective to sensitize them on the situation of the indigenous towns, on the way in which they live, of the risks that represents to accompany to the communities that are part of the CIPO-RFM.
- To count on a recommendation of organizations, people, universities: Sera Ninguno/a aceptada/o for accompaniment to the communities if it does not take the recommendation of one of the following organizations who appear in the annexed relation by paises.
- To be arranged to respect the rules of coexistence of the communities and organizacion.
- To accept that not pondra reluctance to the conditions of life in the community or organizacion, since it is not counted on comfort some. The previous thing implies a personal behavior of respect to which it is possible to be provided by the communities, organizacion or people, According to with that is called on to him to make the acompanamiento.
- and the companion you would deberan to have the disposition to spend at least one week as minimo in the community and as maximo a month or According to is suitable Since of the first month with organizacion, internacionalist community and. With the acompanamiento to organizacion and the customized one, at least 15 days and like maximo the time that are agreed between organizacion and acompanante.
- the poverty of our towns prevents us to be able to pay for the expenses of and the acompanantes, thus, each one of those who acompanan to the community, organizacion or personnel, cubriran their expenses of feeding and transport, or they helped in which can to the families where they are stayed or with the transport that takes them.
- Although it is not necessary that they dominate espanol perfectly, is necessary that or the acompanantes, at least understand it or can communicate in the basic with.
- Serious good that who accompany to us they find had previous communitarian experiences or of acompanamiento, but if there is no it, it does not matter, which counts is the disposition that it has to share, to coexist, to support and to interchange experiences, and mainly, that exists sensitivity to understand to our communities and ours organizacion like part of a process in construction, with many errors and faults.
- and the companion if they do not have experiences in the fight and solidarity, must keep at least one attitude from solidarity with the towns and the fights of them. A predisposition to contribute to its effort in the organized fight of our towns and organizacion. - accompany to previous visits to the communities for the initial approach and that the same companion is became aclimated, knows it and opinion with respect to its stay can also have some or no.
- Given the dificiles experiences that we have had, for the case of taking of videos, fotografias and other recordings, single hara with the express agreement of the community and organizacion.
- With respect to saberes, traditions, plants, ancestrastrales knowledge of all type, they are not due to register by any average, unless specifically they establish the communities and organizacion for aims previously defined between the companion and we.
- To daily attend the meetings of evaluation and pursuit that develop organizacion in the places, dates and times that are necessary.

b) work plan I specify:
Each one of the companion debera to make a plan of work with the community where one needed with all clarity that it tries to do during his stay, taking into account always the two realities, the one of the companion and the one of the community, which knows to make the companion and what this making the community and what proposes this.
As far as the companion to organizacion, equally debera to formulate a plan of work with the different areas from organizacion.
The customized accompaniment is but free and single debera to put itself of acurdo with the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM and with the person who is going away to acompanar.
What it is important to emphasize is that the accompaniment we considered as a possibility of the rest participating. Reason why also in this plan of work it must consider, somehow, to express nitidamente as it is the commitment that the companion acquires when returning to his country and as the one of organizacion and community to give pursuit to the relation.

The commitments of the CIPO-RFM/ community
As organizacion and community our greater commitment is to facilitate the access to the communities, to provide the greater possible information, to guarantee safe lodging and places to live on the acompañtilde;antes. In that sense the information that we provided initially in the factories sera:

- context of Oaxaca
- history of the CIPO-RFM and the community
- as the CIPO-RFM/ arises location from the community
- that makes the CIPO-RFM/ community
- the levels of organizacion of the CIPO-RFM/comunidad
- the problems that have faced CIPO-RFM/comunidad
- main projects of the CIPO-RFM/comunidad
- force of the CIPO-RFM/comunidad
- conditions in which the CIPO-RFM/comunidad works
- the forms of violence against the CIPO-RFM/comunidad
- the well-known forms of repression but
- the lack of human and financial resources
- the relation with other organizations
- objective of the CIPO-RFM: communitarian, state, national and world-wide
- work structure: communitarian, state
- operation: people in charge and attributions, communitarian as as much state
- Limitations and faults of the CIPO-RFM: politico development, relations with other forces, etc.

Popular indigenous advice of Oaxaca "Ricardo Magon Flowers"

Street Emilio Carranza 210
Santa Lucia del Camino
Oaxaca, Mexico

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The word of the acompanantes

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