Solidarity Letter of solidarity of the university of Venezuela 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Alessio Ciacci of Italy 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of the General Confederation of the Work of Espana 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of Violet Membrado Granizo 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of Antonio Salonico of Rome 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of the union Segovia Espana 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Juan Luis of the Rose Espana 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of David Garcia Taxes 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of the Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas de Espana 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of Marta Branches Miguel deEspana 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Pablo Rivas Martin of Espana 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of During Ferrin of Italy 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of Juan.jose Perez 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of Muddy Natalia 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of Sara Bergasa of Argentina 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Laura Merino 15 of March of the 2004 Paramilitary They attack community lagunilla assassinating a member dl CIPO-RFM 24 of February of the 2004 Letter of support of the Group the Internationalof Work on indigenous Subjects, IWGIA, Denmark. 1 of December of 2003. Letter of support of the Lic. Federico Fernandez Paguer,General Coordinator of the Commission the International of Acompanamiento by the Respect to the Human rights - CIARDH -. 27 of November of 2003. Denunciation of the Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas,Oaxaca and Guatemala of Madrid and request of solidarity. 18 of October of 2003. Note of press of the Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guatemala of Madrid on the occurred thing in Sta. Maria de Yaviche. 18 of October of 2003. Go up Human rights Information of the Caravan of observation by theRights of the Indian Towns and by the Freedom of the Politicall Prisoners and of Conscience made in the month of October12 of December of the 2003 Go up
Solidarity Letter of solidarity of the university of Venezuela 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Alessio Ciacci of Italy 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of the General Confederation of the Work of Espana 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of Violet Membrado Granizo 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of Antonio Salonico of Rome 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of the union Segovia Espana 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Juan Luis of the Rose Espana 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of David Garcia Taxes 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of the Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas de Espana 15 of March 2004 Letter of solidarity of Marta Branches Miguel deEspana 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Pablo Rivas Martin of Espana 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of During Ferrin of Italy 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of Juan.jose Perez 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of Muddy Natalia 15 of March of the 2004 Shared in common letter of Sara Bergasa of Argentina 15 of March of the 2004 Letter of solidarity of Laura Merino 15 of March of the 2004 Paramilitary They attack community lagunilla assassinating a member dl CIPO-RFM 24 of February of the 2004 Letter of support of the Group the Internationalof Work on indigenous Subjects, IWGIA, Denmark. 1 of December of 2003. Letter of support of the Lic. Federico Fernandez Paguer,General Coordinator of the Commission the International of Acompanamiento by the Respect to the Human rights - CIARDH -. 27 of November of 2003. Denunciation of the Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas,Oaxaca and Guatemala of Madrid and request of solidarity. 18 of October of 2003. Note of press of the Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guatemala of Madrid on the occurred thing in Sta. Maria de Yaviche. 18 of October of 2003.
Human rights Information of the Caravan of observation by theRights of the Indian Towns and by the Freedom of the Politicall Prisoners and of Conscience made in the month of October12 of December of the 2003