Chrissie talks about Jessica Swanlake, et al.

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Jun 14 13:08:39 CDT 1999

I thought Chrissie was Bianca? Now she's Jessica, too? I guess there's a
PoMo explanation for that somewhere.
At any rate, the below-mentioned "mini-interview" doesn't show up when I
point my browser to this web site.

P.S. How does a non-subscriber post directly to Pynchon-L?

At 7:25 PM -0500 6/13/99, Jules Siegel wrote:
>[snip]in a mini-interview that is an adjunct to my essay,
>"Pit Bull Journalism: Why Does the American Press Hate Joyce
>Maynard?" now appearing at

d o u g  m i l l i s o n

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