GR translation: There passes for Pirate and Katje a brief segment of a much longer chronicle

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Tue Jan 6 12:58:54 CST 2015

The denotation is "occurs" or "is seen by, " with a connotation of
passivity as if they were watching a movie (a 'March of Time' newsreel?), a
parade going by, or one of those 19th-century panorama paintings on long
canvases that scrolled between big rollers.

That last genre, BTW, is brilliantly discussed by Justin St. Clair in an
essay in _AtD: A Corrupted Pilgrim's Guide_. Starting with the quasi-3D
"wraparound" panorama at the Museum der Monstrositaten, and noting that
several big scrolling panoramas were featured at the 1893 Chicago
exposition, he argues that "reading the novel 'panoramically' offers us a
new, wide-ranging model for understanding Pynchon’s method of
characterization throughout his oeuvre while also neatly synthesizing his
interests in immersive technologies, in drug-induced hallucinations and in
the remediation of outdated media forms." I thought St. Clair was on a
fruitful track when I read it, and was sold when I saw how well it works
for Bleeding Edge,

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Mike Jing < at>

> V547.6-37 “There was nothing out there. It was a barren place. I’d been
> most of the day looking for a sign of life. Then at last I heard you all in
> here.” So they have wandered to a balcony, a graceful railing, no one can
> see them from inside or out: and below them in the streets, streets they
> have both lost now, are the People. There passes for Pirate and Katje a
> brief segment of a much longer chronicle, the anonymous How I Came to Love
> the People. “Her name was Brenda, her face was the bird under the
> protecting grin of the car in the rain that morning, she knelt and
> performed fellatio on me, and I ejaculated on her breasts. . . . . . . Her
> name was—” well, all these and many more pass for our young couple here,
> enough to make them understand that horny Anonymous’s intentions are
> nothing less than a megalomaniac master plan of sexual love with every
> individual one of the People in the World—and that when every one, somewhat
> miraculously, is accounted for at last, that will be a rough definition of
> “loving the People.”
> What is the meaning of the word "pass" in "There passes for Pirate and
> Katje a brief segment of . . . " and "well, all these and many more pass
> for our young couple here"?
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