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Art Shanty Projects DesignArt Shanty Projects DesignArt Shanty Projects DesignArt Shanty Projects DesignArt Shanty Projects Design

By starfive

On 14, Mar 2018 | In | By starfive

Art Shanty Projects Design


Wood, paint, acrylic, paper.

I designed new branding for the Art Shanty Projects 2018 event. I used that to create some traditional things like posters, business cards, and buttons – as well as laser cut signage and survey for the on-ice event.

The interactive survey was designed to be simple and fun, to draw in more participants. Visitors were given wooden tokens to vote for their answer in the appropriate slot. It was highly successful and even had a line at times.

The Hole Formerly Known as the Longest HoleThe Hole Formerly Known as the Longest Hole

On 03, Mar 2018 | In | By starfive

The Hole Formerly Known as the Longest Hole

18th Hole at Can Can Wonderland

Group project by: David Bryan, Laura Bryan, Cali Mastny, Caly McMorrow, Aaron Prust

Raspberry Pis, LEDs, HDPE plastic, sensors.

The 18th hole is part of an artist-designed mini golf course at Can Can Wonderland. It is a straight hole, over 200 feet long. We created 8 light poles with sensors mounted along the course, each controlled by a raspberry pi and networked together. They display a variety of light programs, and when a ball triggers a sensor, the light program will change.

Space Lounge TunnelSpace Lounge TunnelSpace Lounge TunnelSpace Lounge TunnelSpace Lounge Tunnel

On 03, Mar 2018 | In | By starfive

Space Lounge Tunnel

v3.0: 2016, updated hardware in 2019

Steel, coroplast, plastic, LEDs, fadecandy, kinect, speakers, laptop.

With Caly McMorrow, Olivia Mackall

The tunnel is the entrance to the Space Lounge at a yearly science fiction convention. It can be setup as simple as a pretty entrance, or it can be an interactive experience, where people walk through, they are detected and lights and sound are triggered. The tunnel is controlled by a raspberry pi and distance sensor. The lights and sound can easily be changed to create different vibes – from a friendly welcoming entrance to a security scanner complete with alarms.

Elevator ShantyElevator ShantyElevator ShantyElevator Shanty

On 14, Nov 2014 | No Comments | In | By starfive

Elevator Shanty


Art Shanty Projects 2014 – White Bear Lake, MN
Northern Spark Festival 2014 – Minneapolis, MN

Elevator Shanty is a interactive elevator experience is a collaboration designed for Art Shanty Projects – a month-long outdoor winter art festival in the middle of a frozen lake. It was revived a second time for Northern Spark Art Festival.

It gives the appearance of a working elevator, complete with lights, buttons, vibrations, music and moving elevator doors – all controlled by an operator at a computer in the back room.

I was a part of teams working on designing, assembling, laser cutting control panels, programming, wiring, decorating, and user experience. During the festivals, I also ran the controls and interacted with the public as an elevator attendant.

On 09, Nov 2014 | No Comments | In | By starfive

Banana Piano

Electronics, Bananas – Minneapolis, MN

A prototype of touch-sensitive technology soldered together entirely from individual components. Can be connected to anything that conducts electricity. By holding a ground wire and touching one of the bananas you can trigger a sound.

Monster ShantyMonster ShantyMonster Shanty

On 07, Nov 2014 | No Comments | In | By starfive

Monster Shanty

Mixed materials
Exhibited: Art Shanty Projects 2012 – Minneapolis, MN

Monsters Under the Bed Shanty was a fantastic frozen-lake getaway under a giant bed with all the creature comforts. Over four weekends, visitors of every age enjoyed drawing monsters, listening to our house monster band, donning monster-garb, and operating monster paws and tentacles.

I was one of the core members of the team who designed, built, decorated and staffed the shanty.

Tiny ShantyTiny ShantyTiny Shanty

On 04, Nov 2014 | No Comments | In | By starfive

Tiny Shanty

Mixed materials
Exhibited: Art Shanty Projects 2010 – Minneapolis, MN

The historic Tiny Shanty was a majestic three-story villa shrunk to child size in the middle of a frozen lake. Over four weekends, visitors of all sizes enjoyed their stay with activities including tiny tea service, petite poetry slam competitions, miniature movie night and tiny art-making. It culminated in a tiny fire arts festival with the burning of a tiny Paul Bunyan.

I was one of the core members of the team who designed, built, decorated and staffed the shanty.

Star TreeStar TreeStar Tree

On 03, Nov 2014 | In | By starfive

Star Tree

Steel, computer, electronics
Exhibited: Burning Man Art Festival – Black Rock City, NV

Star Tree was an interactive sound and light sculpture included in the festival centerpiece funded by the Burning Man Organization. The alien tree held light-up “stars” which would flicker and fade while visitors recorded an audio wish upon the 10-foot tall tree and listened to wishes played back randomly.


On 01, Nov 2014 | No Comments | In | By starfive


Balloons, computer, video
Exhibited: T-Minus Art Festival – New York City, NY

Large balloon sculpture and interactive time lapse collaboration with Aaron Prust. Over the run of the show, the sculpture deflated and visitors could interact with the time-lapse video through a computer monitor to move forward and back in time.