

power, corruption, & lies substance
fire at will

There's a whole long story about how I got introduced to Judge Dredd, but I'm not going to bore you with that. Judge Dredd is one of the few long-running sci-fi comics I'm aware of, and on top of that, it's good. In addition to addressing some of society's current dilemmas and hang-ups, it's got a good dose of brutal violence to remind us exactly why we should appreciate what we've got.

bad guys, huh?  just 
scum...Cursed Earth scum
  • Eagle Comics #1-35
  • Quality Comics #1,2,4-59
  • Batman vs. Judge Dredd I
  • Batman vs. Judge Dredd II
  • DC Comics #x-x
  • other stuff
shouting in the rain judges fear, death, 
fire, & mortis