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PRINCIPLES Of Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca "RICARDO Flores Magon"
1. - In the CIPO-RFM, we will fight at any moment and place to solve the individual necessities, of group, community and pais, in the same way to contribute so that anywhere in the world the men and the old, tod@s absolutely tod@s, indigenous and nonindigenous women, l@s nin@s and l@s, we live contentments. 2. - Without mattering that it leaves from the world he is integral of the will accompany CIPO-RFM the activities of free association, of the communities, organizations and people without condition some; is part or no, of the indigenous Council, as long as it fights with dignity in the solution of his necessities, against the injustice, all type of violence oppression, vices, misery, hunger, operation, discrimination, exc1usion, imposition of ideas and unico thought, dictatorships, etc. 3. -"L@s magonistas we were not born,
nor we have bad blood to be tyrannous, for that reason we did not
fight by the power but by: to be Zapotec@s, nuu Savi, Chatin@s,
Mazatec@s, 4. -
Ours to act like miembr@s of CIPO -
RFM estara oriented by communitarian tradition that it embosoms to us
not to impose to represent and not to supplant, to obey mandates and
not to decide without them, to orient and not to direct and to invite
and not to order, reason why. 5. - As CIPO-RFM we want to
transform the world without taking the power, for that reason we will
worry about its exercise from where it really exists, the people, the
community, the group, etc., and we will never occupy control points
but positions on watch, as long as these are been anyway from direct
or participativa democracy, llamese as it is called:
communitarian assembly, general assembly or another one and, by
their functions impel the work of base and it limits the mandate of
the represented ones. 7. - In each one of the spaces where we act, our task like members of the sera CIPO-RFM of promoting, of developing, of articulating and of guaranteeing organizacion of the town, respecting the forms, conditions, aspirations and own traditions of the place and the people, fomenting globalizacion of the fight and the solidarity with those who fight by their emancipation. 8. - the behavior of those who we are part of the debera CIPO-RFM to be, on the one hand, simple, honest, fraterno and really accompanied towards nuestr@s companer@s of organizacion, of tod@s l@s fight and the people in general. On the other hand, energia, anger and force, without losing the tenderness, must be identity of ours in the fight against the corruption, lie, engano, simulation, hipocresia, falsification, treason, etc. 9. -
Like in the CIPO-RFM 10. - Since the CIPORFM we have a Politicall of peace and coexistence: sera part of our identity that, individual and collectively, we respected to miembr@s of ours organizacion and communities, Still like a those of other communities and organizations, avoiding everything opinion and criticizes if the adressees are absent, until it is possible to expose our word in the presence of them. In the same way we must avoid to expose physical, moral and Politicall integrity unnecessarily of the members. 11. - any miembr @ of the ClPO-RFM used the violence against his companer@s of organizacion, community or of other organizations and communities to solve its differences, taking into account that these acts debilitate to us and fortify the enemy who always this looking for the way of we faced and to divide to us. 12. - Since the force of ours organizacion this in the dignity and consequence. Who we integrated the CIPO-RFM we will give value to our verbal or written word. 13. - Convinced of the nonexistence of unicas, absolute or immutable truths and that the symbol between the human beings is its attitude before the injustice, the authoritarianism, the work, the honesty, and the service: as CIPORFM we will maintain and defend at any moment and place the right to be different and to take agreements we will look for the consensus. 14. - Recognizing which the CIPO-RFM is the house of all those that they fight, that everything organizacion huma, desires, capacities, defects, virtues and other particular characteristics of each one of his miembr@s, and that l@s mism@s is distinguished putting the greater and better effort when fulfilling their commissions and service, as CIPO-RFM we are incluyentes, without distinction of race, sex, nationality, color, sexual preference, level of schooling, occupationion and creed when that fight with the CIPO-RFM they respect its principles. 15. - Once included/understood
which the world that we sounded nonsera made by steel people, superior
or perfect, but on the contrary: single possible sera with human
beings 16. - Demonstrated that in the good ones and the bad ones we will count on the people who fight and whom the different from the great State, faces representatives rich, she has like proposito to destroy organizacion of which they fight, as the CIPO-RFM we will maintain independence of the state and the Politicall parties, looking for, always joint walking with all the organizations, communities and people who esten arranged to fight by the liberation of their towns. 17. - In the CIPO-RFM without losing nor denying our human nature, we will also act with analitico, reflective sense and fraterno before opinion and individual feeling of the members of organizacion and other that participates in some form in the fight, when their positions are divergent to the general expositions of organizacion, guaranteeing the diffusion, discussion and analysis of the same ones and never, for no reason, to take agreement by means of voting on the discussion from the ideas. 18. -Since eternizacion in the positions is in opposition to the will on watch, to colectivizar the responsibilities and remote of the expositions of one organizacion libertaria: the positions of representation in the CIPO-RFM did not extend to their functions but there of the time that the organos of decision of ours decide organizacion. 19. - As always the possibility exists that l@a representing attitudes have and you practice opposite to one organizacion libertaria, L@s miembr@s of the CIPO-RFM at any moment evoked of their position and place to that having some commission or position in the Council of Base, the Council of the Councils or the Organizing Meeting is demonstrated attitudes to him and you practice authoritarian, of corruption, manipulation and other vices that danen to ours organizacion, arriving itself even at lost from rights if the amerita one. 20. - Considering that until our days, in all the places exists a Politicall of exclusion and discrimination of the women and but of the indigenous to be poor, women and indigenous, as CIPO-RFM we fight in all place and time because they do not exist but these you practice, promoting where we act: community, organizacion, school, union, etc the culture of the respect to the women and its rights, guaranteeing in practice it that to the sine of ours organizacion the participation of the women in all the positions of representation and responsibility to the sine of the same one is equal and equitable. 21. - All activity that l@s integral of the CIPO-RFM we make sera by and with taste, voluntarily, in creative form and jeopardizes, for that reason when from a position, commission or task it is due to be taken into account the Politicall trajectory, qualities, abilities and will on watch of the chosen one, to guarantee the fulfillment with responsibility, knowing that on it organizacion depends all the body of ours. 22. - One of the concretions to obey to mandates sera that: acting of each one of the areas of work, commissions or positions, in the individual group and is according to espiritu and orientacion or General Assembly of Miembr@s, According to is the case. In all mandate l@s miembr@s of the CIPO-RFM, not to the people to the weight of the arguments, importance and politico impact of the mandate and its effects in organizacion. 23. - One of the forms that ours organizacion express his practices anti authoritarian is that the decision to integrate itself to the CIPO-RFM is a process based on individual acts, voluntary and by conscience; in the same way, the sera exit an individual and voluntary act; of there that in the CIPO-RFM did not vow the expulsion of a member. 24. - Convinced that there are many hands and a single heart to fight and that is not only ours organizacion that tries to construct a different world, as integral of the CIPO-RFM at any moment and place we must have to impel, to promote and to fortify the alliance with other autonomous organizational projects, indigenous or no, that fight by the construction of a democratica right society, it frees, incluyente, that respects the diversity, etc. 25. - Since the criterion really that we maintain is practices it and by as much the high ideals the clean aims and everything what we do expressed what we are: cough integral of the CIPO-RFM everywhere and in any side we will carry with pride and dignity the simbolos and bitternesses that define our identity and property, becoming to have to put in stop the name of organizacion, in the community, school, work, union, personal life, etc. 26. - Knowledgeable which each form of dominacion we must face it a form of organizacion it specifies: we are forced to create alternative of resistance, fights representation, election, participation, decision making, solution of problems, etc. As CIPO-RFM we try the construction of several ways of autonomy autogestion. car organizacion, aid of an a others, voluntary collective work and on watch in the colony. it makes it. the union. the school, the club, the community etc. 27. -
In all and each one of the
activities that 28. - The imposition. the sectarianism agreements by voting or the unicas and absolute truths mainly when reasons to maintain the unit to exercise the ideario democracy are not part nor of practices of ours organizacion for that reason in CIPO- RFM to approach the points of disenso, to evaluate ours it practices, to grow as are exposed as individual and organizacion putting in practices but the high expression of the democratico exercise, the discussion with reasons, the specialized investigation and deep you would seran our tool. 29. - We will develop to the interior of the CIPO-RFM practices it of which the rights are in direct relation with the responsibilities and under no circumstance they are podran to demand rights without fulfilling the duties or, to demand the fulfillment of the duties if they have not been respected right. 30. - the constant and updated information of the subjects of organizacion must be well-known by to@s so that this way the CIPO-RFM injustificadamente defends in any place and circumstance to their members that, are injuriados, defamed and slandered or attacked by own or extranos. 31. - Clear that each one of nosotr@s has developed to capacities and abilities in different degree, Still like become aware at diverse levels: l@s integral of the CIPO-RFM we will cooperate with ours maximo effort according to the capacity and level of conscience that we have acquired, with the idea that: to greater conscience but commitment already greater capacity but responsibility, esforzandonos to obtain every time, greater levels of conscience, commitment, capacity and responsibility. 32. - In the CIPO-RFM aside from studying and we enabled on the principles, programs, objectives, forms of fight and other of ours organizacion, we will maintain the doors of our understanding and heart to all those open teorias, knowledge, ideas, etc. that enrich to us because the knowledge are fundamental for the liberation of our town. Of there our commitment to contribute in formacion teorica and practices, permanent form, nonsingle of the members of ours organizacion, but also of all those that approach us or in the spaces where we participated. 33. - Ours organizacion is maintained by the disposition of each one of nosotr@s to fulfill his with the decided tasks, entrusted, without the complexity or difficulty of them is impediment for their execution. 34. - With all responsibility and according to the necessities of organizacion eh all the instances and levels, l@s miembr@s of CIPO- RFM and their commissions do not podran to have decisions by whim, with authoritarianism or without consulting their assemblies and we will mainly act with the consensus yen very extreme cases the ample mandate of mayoria, taking care of at any moment collective acting in the decision making, distribution and execution of the work. 35. - With the certainty that the sera transformation the result of the effort of tod@s l@s that we fought from several places and forms, we are forced to develop creative different pacificas ways to face and to make bite the dust to the enemy, reason why ours to act in the indigenous movement and all demas, sera from the idea to construct the popular power, that goes but there of the unica idea of the fight of classes and a single way. 36. - We understand that in the fight they leave ahead who make their force in the organized work that she gives but importance to we made an effort to surpass faults and errors, that to to be many and carefree, convenencieros or individualists; for that reason in the CIPO-RFM to make but to ours organizacion great and strong we will look for the quality over the amount and will have like main means to grow the communitarian, union, scholastic work, of I generate, popular, etc., in the qualification, study, discussion, analysis of our reality and putting in practices of our proposals to make the world that we sounded for today. 37. - If ours organizacion is our house and this to the service of us, tod@s to give the economico support that generates the fight. For that reason who we are of the CIPO-RFM in the individual thing or collective always we will give economica cooperation or of another form to the finances of organizacion. 38. - Since many of the vices are generated when they are born you lead or groups that take agreements without consulting to the base, secretly or by outside them: in order to avoid this, in the CIPO-RFM any member, nobody I make level instance of organizacion, podra to negotiate single and solo with any dependency, person or organism of all type. BY The RECONSTITUCIoN And IT FREES association oN OF The TOWNS IT ARRIVES THOSE THAT FIGHT TOWN IN The STREET, IS PALUCHAR And TO CONSTRUCT TO BE ABLE POPULAR
The organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM.
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