April 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Apr 1 03:18:44 CDT 2018
Ending: Mon Apr 30 18:27:47 CDT 2018
Messages: 297
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Charles Albert
- Fwd: COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Charles Albert
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Charles Albert
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Charles Albert
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Charles Albert
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
John Bailey
- John Zorn: Insurrection
Allan Balliett
- John Zorn: Insurrection
Erik T. Burns
- Not P but DFW
- Not P but DFW
- Chums
Paul Cray
- "Enough is Enough"
Keith Davis
- NP Cervantes
Keith Davis
- GR-related: Scroll down to see Crazy Daisy!
Keith Davis
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Monte Davis
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Monte Davis
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Monte Davis
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Monte Davis
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Monte Davis
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Thomas Eckhardt
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Thomas Eckhardt
- M&D Read - Is it over?
David Elliott
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Mike Jing
- NP: any Polish p-listers?
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: Some boys down the Uncompahgre
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: Some boys down the Uncompahgre
Mike Jing
- Atd Translation: semieducated Peter specialist
Mike Jing
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mike Jing
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mike Jing
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mike Jing
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mike Jing
- "bleeding edge data analytics"
Mark Kohut
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
Mark Kohut
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
Mark Kohut
- NP. Giveaway weekend, I guess. Close to as good as Caro on Johnson? But Lincoln. 4000 pages!
Mark Kohut
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
Mark Kohut
- Easter thesis
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Easter thesis
Mark Kohut
- Or
Mark Kohut
- The other great chains
Mark Kohut
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
Mark Kohut
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- NP but MLK and MX: Serendipitous find re last post.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Listers seem to love 'is shit.
Mark Kohut
- "bleeding edge data analytics"
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Mark Kohut
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Mark Kohut
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- Cause listers like this stuff
Mark Kohut
- Grace again with a verbal link--for us. From some lame medium article I will not post.
Mark Kohut
- Another unexpected Pynchon influence, which I love to post here...
Mark Kohut
- Obituary: John Perry Barlow died on February 7th - On the cyber-frontier
Mark Kohut
- Tweet by EFF on Twitter
Mark Kohut
- NP: Word of the day
Mark Kohut
- NP: A little Gerald Murnane misunderstanding
Mark Kohut
- Crying of Lot 49 is about a Constitutional crisis, so to speak
Mark Kohut
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Mark Kohut
- For European Listers.
Mark Kohut
- on the Enlightenment. M & D-related, I say: 'banning the spiritual; world had become like a machine [that duck]; scientific explanation; vast material depot."
Mark Kohut
- NP: John Perry Barlow cont.
Mark Kohut
- Re: Iceland Spar’s Cousin, Maybe
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Mark Kohut
- on slavery therefore M & D; Or Learning from Joseph T
Mark Kohut
- NP but James Wood. Again. Still Or Over?
Mark Kohut
- on real estate and development in Pynchon, so to associatively speak. A--and "It's about work"--Alice, lovely Alice
Mark Kohut
- NP but The Nix and possible Pynchon influence.
Mark Kohut
- IV: "Under the cobblestones, the beach"---1968 and beyond, slogan
Mark Kohut
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Kohut
- M & D. end of Chap 28.
Mark Kohut
- In/Convenience in P
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Kohut
- goes out for Joseph T, who will surely draw unnecessary conclusions beyond the joke.
Mark Kohut
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mark Kohut
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Kohut
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mark Kohut
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Kohut
- NP but Ned Beauman ( and his novel Madness is Better than Defeat)
Mark Kohut
- NP but Sterne
Mark Kohut
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Kohut
- NP but the overrated Marilynne Robinson
Mark Kohut
- NP but Foucault---for Smoak
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon's Paranoid California OR On The Crying of Lot 49
Mark Kohut
- M&D Read - Is it over?
Mark Kohut
- P: Something I, genuinely, don't get.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Chap 29.
Mark Kohut
- M & D. (from a not-yet-published scholar's essay on the journey of life in Pynchon)
Mark Kohut
- M & D. P sees AI and robots? "It's about work"---the late Alice Wellington
Mark Kohut
- N P at all. Sean Penn and his publisher.
Mark Kohut
- Not P but DFW
Mark Kohut
- M & D Group Read, misc.
Mark Kohut
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mark Kohut
- M & D Group Read alone.
Mark Kohut
- Not P but DFW
Mark Kohut
- On why TRP is also a comic novelist. Surely. .....from Ron Charles' terrif piece on Less and why comedy should be more. Read it. Wa Po.
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Mark Kohut
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Mark Kohut
- P: Something I, genuinely, don't get.
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Mark Kohut
- NP Cervantes
Mark Kohut
- NP - E. Dickinson - The Heart Asks Pleasure First
Mark Kohut
- Slow Learner
Mark Kohut
- Chums
Mark Kohut
- Chums
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Mark Kohut
- NP but Krasznahorkai, mentioned on the List
Mark Kohut
- NP - Douma Chem Attack
Mark Kohut
- M & D misc. Proportionality for proper effect
Mark Kohut
- Excluded Middles
Mark Kohut
- Plot? What plot? Point Counter Point---goes out to Morris
Mark Kohut
- M & D misc. Proportionality for proper effect
Mark Kohut
- Plot? What plot? Point Counter Point---goes out to Morris
Mark Kohut
- M&D CH 29
Mark Kohut
- Come get your Radical Philosophy. free.
Mark Kohut
- NP: It's about work---the late Alice W.'s deep truth.
Mark Kohut
- NP: It's about work---the late Alice W.'s deep truth.
Mark Kohut
- M & D misc.That M & D is about LAND. (See land developers in TRP's fiction)
Mark Kohut
- You know the GR line. On war and money.
Mark Kohut
- NP, just plot. Another one thing after another post: Kurt V talks about plot.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Powers. About things more important than people (in fiction). Dicey. Calling James Wood.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Oyster Bay, LI and the theme of development. A pre-history.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Read. Chap 25, p 253
Mark Kohut
- M & D Read. Chap 25, p 253
Mark Kohut
- Hardly, barely, reed-thinly, if at all, Pynchon-related. Misc.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Read. Chap 29 cont. Misc.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Sterne
Mark Kohut
- George Martin book CORRECTION: Not the next in series book.
Mark Kohut
- M & D misc: Ben Franklin IRL (and ballooning.)
Mark Kohut
- NP: OED of the day
Mark Kohut
- M & D Read. Chap 25, p 253
Mark Kohut
- Moby speaks
Mark Kohut
- M & D Read. Chap 29 cont. Misc.
Mark Kohut
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Mark Kohut
- NP: Bolano's 2666
Mark Kohut
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Mark Kohut
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Mark Kohut
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Mark Kohut
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Mark Kohut
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Mark Kohut
- NP but Richard Powers, who talks some more
Mark Kohut
- NP: the real ending of The Great Gatsby, alluded to in Mason & Dixon and discussed hereon.
Mark Kohut
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Mark Kohut
- M & D on the road again
Mark Kohut
- More P reading Brown, maybe, and M & D
Mark Kohut
- NP but Moby D.
Mark Kohut
- NP but ancestral. Did we know this?
Mark Kohut
- Instead of my repeated Moby quote, thanks Jochen, a replacement. From Ashbery
Mark Kohut
- NP but Melville. Bonus post since I duplicated. Second prize: you get another! (First prize: they stop!)
Mark Kohut
- Another reason why TR Pynchon will never win.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Powers. About things more important than people (in fiction). Dicey. Calling James Wood.
Ian Livingston
- IV-related: New book on Ida Lupino
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- M&D read Chap. 29 --- Kafka
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- GR-related: Scroll down to see Crazy Daisy!
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Paul Mackin
- Volatility, the new investment opportunity
Paul Mackin
- P: Something I, genuinely, don't get.
Paul Mackin
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Paul Mackin
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Paul Mackin
- P: Something I, genuinely, don't get.
Robert Mahnke
- NP but ancestral. Did we know this?
Robert Mahnke
- Another reason why TR Pynchon will never win.
Johnny Marr
- How 'bout that Cohen office raid, eh?
Daniel Mattingly
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Jamie McKittrick
- NP Cervantes
Roger Mexico
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
David Morris
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
David Morris
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
David Morris
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
David Morris
- TVAddict Reports
David Morris
- How 'bout that Cohen office raid, eh?
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
David Morris
- Excluded Middles
David Morris
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
David Morris
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
David Morris
- NP - E. Dickinson - The Heart Asks Pleasure First
David Morris
- NP - Syria Fake News
David Morris
- NP - Douma Chem Attack
David Morris
- Plot? What plot? Point Counter Point---goes out to Morris
David Morris
David Morris
David Morris
David Morris
David Morris
- The other great chains
- "Enough is Enough"
Richard Romeo
- "Enough is Enough"
Richard Romeo
- Even NASA knows. Or Esp NASA knows.
Richard Romeo
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Jochen Stremmel
- AtD translation: Some boys down the Uncompahgre
Jochen Stremmel
- M & D misc. Proportionality for proper effect
Jochen Stremmel
Jochen Stremmel
Jochen Stremmel
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Smoke Teff
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Smoke Teff
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Smoke Teff
- Iceland Spar’s Cousin, Maybe
Smoke Teff
- NP, exactly, but AtD-related
Smoke Teff
- M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Smoke Teff
- NP. Giveaway weekend, I guess. Close to as good as Caro on Johnson? But Lincoln. 4000 pages!
Mark Thibodeau
- How 'bout that Cohen office raid, eh?
Mark Thibodeau
- Not TP, but SK
Mark Thibodeau
- goes out for Joseph T, who will surely draw unnecessary conclusions beyond the joke.
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - E. Dickinson - The Heart Asks Pleasure First
Mark Thibodeau
- NP but Krasznahorkai, mentioned on the List
Mark Thibodeau
- NP: Bolano's 2666
Mark Thibodeau
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Joseph Tracy
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Joseph Tracy
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Joseph Tracy
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
Joseph Tracy
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Joseph Tracy
- AtD translation: This was spirit, after all.
Joseph Tracy
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Joseph Tracy
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Joseph Tracy
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Joseph Tracy
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Joseph Tracy
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
Joseph Tracy
- M&D Read - Is it over?
Joseph Tracy
- test
Joseph Tracy
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Joseph Tracy
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Joseph Tracy
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Joseph Tracy
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Joseph Tracy
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Joseph Tracy
- Atd translation: balloonheaded clarity
Joseph Tracy
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
Joseph Tracy
- Chums
Joseph Tracy
- M&D CH 29
Joseph Tracy
- Plot? What plot? Point Counter Point---goes out to Morris
Joseph Tracy
- Plot? What plot? Point Counter Point---goes out to Morris
Joseph Tracy
- Plot? What plot? Point Counter Point---goes out to Morris
Joseph Tracy
- M & D Read. Chap 25, p 253
Joseph Tracy
- John Zorn: Insurrection
Joseph Tracy
- M & D Read. Chap 29 cont. Misc.
Joseph Tracy
- John Zorn: Insurrection
Joseph Tracy
Joseph Tracy
- ch 30 M&D
Joseph Tracy
- M&D CH 31
Joseph Tracy
- NP but Moby D.
Joseph Tracy
- Lot 49 on Netflix
Carlo Trimarchi
- NP. Giveaway weekend, I guess. Close to as good as Caro on Johnson? But Lincoln. 4000 pages!
Robert Z
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
Robert Z
- John Zorn: Insurrection
Robert Z
- COL 49 A Request of Any Long Timer
Robert Z
- Will you go to the Heath?
- Slow Learner
matthew cissell
- Chums
matthew cissell
- Ursula LeGuin
jbloocher at gmail.com
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
raymond.lee.easton at gmail.com
- France is not at war with the sciences
- Hello?
- oops
- Excluded Middles
- "Enough is Enough"
ish mailian
- For Smoak--and those who still care about the Read. Remember, Pynchon has never stopped.
ish mailian
- "Enough is Enough"
ish mailian
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
ish mailian
- dance the steps their African slaves teach them ...talk like an African
ish mailian
- Ch 28 In which George Washington and his happy negro smoke dope with Mason and Dixon
ish mailian
- NP Late, Late, Late Capitalism...? Varoufakis ...
ish mailian
- Slow Learner
ish mailian
- Chums
ish mailian
- John Zorn: Insurrection
- NP but RP and the cover of Vineland, so to speak and allude. Another (major) writer influenced by....
- NP - Chemical Weapons Used in Syria... (or WERE they?)
- Volatility, the new investment opportunity
- GR-related: Scroll down to see Crazy Daisy!
- Re: M&D, the people’s memory vs the internet
gary webb
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 18:27:47 CDT 2018
Archived on: Mon Apr 30 18:27:52 CDT 2018
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