February 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Feb 1 02:46:17 CST 2011
Ending: Mon Feb 28 21:21:18 CST 2011
Messages: 512
- (np) nostalgia AND accelerate evolution
Michael Bailey
- Lamont Replevin reporting...
bandwraith at aol.com
- MISC. NP but the plist-divided Murakami
- Vineland
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice: On 'the map is not the territory' and a t-shirt
Ian Livingston
- NP Garrett Kiely Happy February! Here's the new #free #ebook @UChicagoPress http://bit.ly/2qN7x7
Mark Kohut
- N really P
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 14
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP- A Naked Singularity
David Morris
- The Dream of Perpetual Motion - by Dexter Palmer - Picador. http://bit.ly/hJfr0R
Mark Kohut
Monte Davis
David Morris
Monte Davis
Erik T. Burns
bandwraith at aol.com
bandwraith at aol.com
Michael Bailey
Carvill John
Mark Kohut
Carvill John
Mark Kohut
Richard Ryan
Erik T. Burns
Mark Kohut
Michael Bailey
Richard Ryan
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
Richard Ryan
Mark Kohut
jochen stremmel
Richard Ryan
Erik T. Burns
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
Erik T. Burns
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
Erik T. Burns
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
Erik T. Burns
bandwraith at aol.com
Richard Ryan
Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
malignd at aol.com
James Kyllo
Michael Bailey
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
Monte Davis
Erik T. Burns
Monte Davis
- NP but JJ
Mark Kohut
- Google Art Project
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday, James Joyce!
Dave Monroe
- NP..sending this for its possible misc. interest, mayhaps and for the line
Mark Kohut
- From a guy at site Death & Taxes, on Joyce's B-day re Ulysses, who likes GR even more...
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Re: V-2nd - Chapter 14
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP: The map is not the territory, literally...
Mark Kohut
- Kurzu meeting Moorcock - Pynchon in the constellation
János Székely
- Gravity's Rainbow matchboxes #Pynchon http://yfrog.com/h332hnj
Mark Kohut
- NP This one's for Robin. Thanks.
Mark Kohut
- Young P's Prose & the golden screw to turn the time in the Stencil chapters
- like, Scooby, is this is like deja vu all under the rose again?
Richard Ryan
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- More Miscellany. on Karma
Mark Kohut
- NP.....looking for a contrarian....
Charles Albert
- Anarchists can collect the garbage.....it's 1968 in Egypt?
Mark Kohut
- (contemporaneous and complaceaneous to V. but not mentioned) Ringolevio
Michael Bailey
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Dave Monroe
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Michael F
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Ian Livingston
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Humberto Torofuerte
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Ian Livingston
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Michael F
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Ian Livingston
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Michael F
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Ian Livingston
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Michael F
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Joe Allonby
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Joe Allonby
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
David Morris
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Joe Allonby
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Michael F
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Humberto Torofuerte
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Mark Kohut
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Ian Livingston
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Ian Livingston
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Michael Bailey
- Egypt, Twitter, and the Collapse of Top-Heavy Societies
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 14 basic time/space employment stuff (J.Y.B.D.R-T.)
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 460
Richard Ryan
- NP maybe not uninteresting given P's influence of Wittgenstein.......
Mark Kohut
- Kit, Mondaugen, Plato and Heidegger
bandwraith at aol.com
- Martin Bormann the transsectite
János Székely
- (not exactly P) Roky Erickson
Michael Bailey
- Very Misc. V. and cars and Rachel in love and modern inanimate identity and a Superbowl ad
Mark Kohut
- Tonight @ Burnhearts
Dave Monroe
- Classic Radio Drama
Dave Monroe
- C.P. Snow the Big Sleep
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Richard Ryan
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Joe Allonby
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
kelber at mindspring.com
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Joe Allonby
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
James Kyllo
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Heikki Raudaskoski
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
kelber at mindspring.com
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Richard Ryan
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Richard Ryan
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Richard Ryan
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Ian Livingston
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Richard Ryan
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
kelber at mindspring.com
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Henry M
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
Michael Bailey
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 461 - "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin"
bandwraith at aol.com
- The Anonymous and TP
Matthew Cissell
- misc.
Mark Kohut
- Rediscovering WWII's female 'computers'
Dave Monroe
- Is Obsessive "Curation" Ruining Brooklyn?
Dave Monroe
- NP, Bolano a plist topic
Mark Kohut
- The Gospel of Thomas 1 & 2
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Kit, Mondaugen, Plato and Heidegger, 2
bandwraith at aol.com
- CriticaLink
Dave Monroe
- Benny as Angel of Death
Krafft, John M.
- The Medium is the Malaise
Dave Monroe
- Track Marks
Dave Monroe
- TRP consults on script of INHERENT VICE, now in 2nd draft
Mark Kohut
- NP but Wittgenstein....any relevance to the maths in Against the Day?
Mark Kohut
- Endnotes: David Foster Wallace
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006)
Dave Monroe
- The Anonymous and TP - for Kai
Matthew Cissell
- np Jurassic Park Theme
- Robert Downey, Jr as Doc?
Mark Kohut
- NP but Moby Dick--continuing in real life, maybe
Mark Kohut
- NP NICE REMARK about Marquez: below: News Alert: Mubarak Steps Down
Mark Kohut
- A brief word to the P list
Matthew Cissell
David Morris
- Replacing the "N-word" with "Robot" in Huck Finn
Dave Monroe
- bet TRP might like this presentation of econ theory in which there is gold mentioned
Mark Kohut
- Don't think this has been posted yet....
Mark Kohut
- Fw: More Golden Fang resonances?
Mark Kohut
- Hugo Cabret (2011)
Dave Monroe
- Germans still divided over Dresden legacy
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's unpredictability...OR ...GR is full of such surprising uses...on Mixed Martial Arts guys..including a Bigfoot!
Mark Kohut
- Steve Moore q. from the Gaddis-L
Richard Ryan
- V.--2nd, back to 1913
Mark Kohut
- 'Moby Dick' captain's ship found
Dave Monroe
- Die Paranoia weist den Weg
- "Wir haben nur uns selber, um daraus zu schoepfen"
- The White Goddess to be filmed, so to speak
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chap 15 Off to Malta, first, party in D.C.
Mark Kohut
- 100 Foot Long Narco-Sub
Henry M
- The Oracle's daughter helps Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- Criterion @ Hulu
Dave Monroe
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 462 - "...a Strait Street, a Gut."
Richard Ryan
Dave Monroe
- (np) mistranslated (or simply misstated) science fiction book titles
Michael Bailey
- The tower is everywhere---Cof L49
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 462 - "...januning"
Richard Ryan
- V--2nd Iago Saperstein
Mark Kohut
- NP but a fave poem, The Wasteland
Mark Kohut
- NP but on a fave book esp behind V.
Mark Kohut
- NP but PD
Mark Kohut
- Very P. misc V
Mark Kohut
- (np) rather egregious groaners
Michael Bailey
- Propagandawaffe Agfacolor
- NP - Guilt
David Morris
- Nazi 3D films from 1936 discovered
David Morris
- That TRP--- Will "Managing a Dental Practice: The Genghis Khan Way" win Britain's oddest book title award? http://wapo.st/gj0ygH
Mark Kohut
- Middle-earth according to Mordor
Dave Monroe
- An 8 ft long squid knitted out of plastic bags goes to the Natural History Museum at http://bit.ly/fQ6UGx @deadlyknitshade @wen1965
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 462 - "Ten Eyck" et seq.
Richard Ryan
- Charisma, that TRP thang...free story by a good writer....
Mark Kohut
- Vote for the most iconic composer
Dave Monroe
- On Barb(ed) wire in TRPs works and in Bahrain now
Mark Kohut
- Baron Guttenberg's final battle
- np H.P. Lovecraft
- The Kindly Ones and Night of the Generals (1967)
Clément Lévy
- Sex Drives
Dave Monroe
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 464 - "Washington DC"
Richard Ryan
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 464 - "Dali's Last Supper"
Richard Ryan
- from Esther's nose-job to Italia's "pechonalidad," and double eye-surgery for Asian women
Clément Lévy
- Chapr 15 on going to Malta
Mark Kohut
- Chap 15, hoist by one's own petard
Mark Kohut
- Masonic Insurance & Leaf Storm (G.G. Marquez)
alice wellintown
- Novels I've Spent More Than A Month Reading & I Couldn't Tell You One Single Thing About Them #4: V, Thomas Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- V---2nd Chapter 16....Howie Surd
Mark Kohut
- V2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 464 - Flip and Flop
Richard Ryan
- Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version
Dave Monroe
- Question: "Congratulate this"
János Székely
- The Bonzo Dog Band quoted by the man behind a new Slang Dict. 17 yrs. 6200 pages. wow.
Mark Kohut
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
Richard Ryan
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
alice wellintown
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
Joe Allonby
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
David Morris
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
Joe Allonby
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
alice wellintown
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
Michael Bailey
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
Mark Kohut
- Pat BooneV2, Chap 15 (Sahha), I, p 465 - "Pat Boone"/"Be-Bop-a-Lula"
kelber at mindspring.com
- Fetishism and Its Discontents
Dave Monroe
- Libya air force jets in Malta, pilots seek asylum
Dave Monroe
- Look for the Union Label
Dave Monroe
- The Great Gatsby 3-D
Dave Monroe
- V---2nd, Chap 16
Mark Kohut
- James Geary on metaphors
Dave Monroe
- (np) because it's time...all hail Paul Goodman!
Michael Bailey
- V2nd Rachel Owlglass?
Ian Livingston
- Wedding
Henry M
- Turing Patterns
Henry M
- V-2nd - Chapter 16, Part I: Kilroy Was Here
kelber at mindspring.com
- V---2nd, Chap 16 Valletta...another reason why chosen?
Mark Kohut
- Roy Botello Film
Dave Monroe
- The Doll
David Morris
- Technological Singularity
David Morris
- V--2nd, Chapter 16, p 462 hc, Brenda Wigglesworth
Mark Kohut
- Malta denies landing rights for flight carrying laid-off @TBD staffers into exile.
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon on Love
- Very true (for most of us?) quote of the day
Mark Kohut
- Nabokov's Cornell Lectures & Pat Boone on WAVY Radio (Canned or plugged-in music)
alice wellintown
- V. misc.
Mark Kohut
- Infnite Jest gets drafty
Dave Monroe
- Laurie Anderson Performs on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," Will Curate Poetry Event at PEN World Voices Festival
Dave Monroe
- Victoria Wren
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chap 16 p.445 hc
Mark Kohut
- Misc...Cornell Daily Sun on a famous graduate's possible movie AND
Mark Kohut
- "Discover THIS!", sez Elmo (for Janos)
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd how about that ending, eh?
Mark Kohut
- NP Misc. 'discover this' aspect in Shakespeare?
Mark Kohut
- Dear Thomas Pynchon, can you blurb my book?
- Whither The Modern Word?
Dave Monroe
- NP, more Misc...
Mark Kohut
- Hidden Kafka papers revealed to Israeli court
Dave Monroe
- Stanford researcher's new stretchable solar cells will power artificial electronic 'super skin'
Dave Monroe
- Glorious Land
- Backbone
Dave Monroe
Last message date:
Mon Feb 28 21:21:18 CST 2011
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:00:39 CST 2018
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