August 2008 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Aug 1 02:09:28 CDT 2008
Ending: Sun Aug 31 22:20:55 CDT 2008
Messages: 563
- Good first lines
Michael Bailey
- AtD (37) p.1059-1062. Other possibilities,Time Past, silver and a snowball
Mark Kohut
- AtD (37) p. 1059-62 two postscript addendums
Mark Kohut
- AtD (37) p.1059 "wide-awake hat", Virgil?, "it had not happened yet"
Ian (Hank Kimble) Scuffling
- The top 100 books of all time
Dave Monroe
- AtDTDA 37 1060Silver is alive
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA 37 1060 The terrible flood of time 409
robinlandseadel at
- NP: It's About Time
robinlandseadel at
- Fw: Re: what to read next that isn't pynchon
J K Van Nort
- A-and Silver trees and Silvertree
Mark Kohut
- Fw: AtD (37) p.1059-1062. Other possibilities,Time Past, silver and a snowball
Mark Kohut
- What next?
richardryannyc at
- AtDTDA (37) p. 1060Tree of Diana
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (37) p. 1060Time travel in the name of love
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (37) p. 1061/1062The Integroscope
robinlandseadel at
- Richard Wharfinger
- Der feine Sand der Geschichte
- ATDTDA (38) p. 1063 Rue du depart (title page, last section)
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (37) p. 1060 =# Tree of Diana
robinlandseadel at
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Atdtda28: Talk, 796-797
Paul Nightingale
- AtDTDA (38) p. 1065 Dally on the Integroscope
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: 38 p. 1066 La Jarreti�re
robinlandseadel at
- Science and Spectacle in the European Enlightenment
Dave Monroe
- La Jarreti�re's Dance
robinlandseadel at
- New first novel compared to TRP
Paul Di Filippo
- Otjimbingwe
Robert Mahnke
- Addition to the P-canon
James Kyllo
- Large Hadron Rap
David Morris
- Get You War On: The Watch List
David Morris
- from a new reader of GR, who blogged about it a bit
Mark Kohut
- NP: Solzhenitsyn
kelber at
- Rethinking Postmodernism
Michel Ryckx
- AtD Audio Book
Michael Bailey
- Templar titbits
Graham Croft
- AtdTDA: [38] p. 1067/68 "It Won't Be a Stylish Marriage. . . ."
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: [38] p. 1068 "Full Fuckin Circle. . . ."
robinlandseadel at
- Everything's Connected
Tim Strzechowski
- AtdTDA: [38] Station Break
robinlandseadel at
- Everything Connects
Tim Strzechowski
- reading matters
Graham Croft
- Thomas Schaub book -- sorry if old news!
grladams at
- #3 on Slate's 10 Oddest Travel Guides list
David Morris
- Headbanger's Ball: Thomas Pynchon & Primo Levi
Dave Monroe
- 10 Literary Works Set to Music
Dave Monroe
- MEDUSA: Microwave crowd-control raygun
Dave Monroe
Dave Monroe
- IPW 2008: Bruno Arich-Gerz...
Michel Ryckx
- James Franco reads Pynchon; Sean Penn quesions him about 'it'.
Mark Kohut
- Library for Pynchon readers
Mark Kohut
- Misc. on the palm trees in Hollywood in AtD
Mark Kohut
- Albert Spear Jr. at the 2008 Olympics
David Morris
- Google Insihts for Search
Werner Presber
- Cousin Kevin
- Misc. found. John Muir, great Amer nature writer (and more)
Mark Kohut
- (p-related) Visual Representation of D&G 1000 Plateaus
Michael Bailey
- New bio of John Muir
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA [38] Day of Transfiguration
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: 38 p. 1066 La Jarreti�re---Sidebar
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: [38] p. 1069/70 An Adult Exchange of Views
robinlandseadel at
- "the afterbirth went into the ground" (AtD 949.38)
Tim Strzechowski
- AtdTDA: [38] p. 1070 "Hold on, Cowboy!"
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: [38] p. 1071 A Certain Word
robinlandseadel at
- NP but Pynchon likes (a lot of) Orwell...Orwell Blogs!
Mark Kohut
- 'Every dog has his day; some dogs have two days'---Johnny Copeland for Vineland
Mark Kohut
- The Chums, in the air, modern analogue
Mark Kohut
- more of the quote, "into a bright blue sky"
Mark Kohut
- Our DOJ on the job
Learned Dog
- Gevurah 101
Mark Kohut
- bending light, creating invisibility
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA [38] p. 1084/1085: Bending Light, Creating Invisibility
robinlandseadel at
- Drizzly. Dense mist in evening. Yellow moon.
Werner Presber
- AtDTDA: [38] pgs. 1072: The Beginning of a Complicity That Might Bear Some Watching
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: Quaternion Julia Sets
robinlandseadel at
- RIP Isaac Hayes
Ian Livingston
- The Venture Bros., "Orb"
Dave Monroe
- "vibe" - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Invisibility cloak one step closer, scientists say
Dave Monroe
- Who is the man...?
- Atdtda28: Society and syntax, 779-780
Michael Bailey
- Esther Williams, Cary Grant and LOT 49
Werner Presber
- Atdtda28: The minute it gets dark, 797-799
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda28: Not to mention field-coefficients, 799-801
Paul Nightingale
- AtDTDA: [38] p. 1073: Seduced into the Futurist Nosedive
robinlandseadel at
- Map of London by Stanford 1862
Werner Presber
- AtDTDA: [38] pgs.1073/1074 Family Tradition
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] pgs.1074/1075 The Obliterator
robinlandseadel at
- Catching up with 'Lolita' — 50 years later
Dave Monroe
- Land of Kush vs. Against the Day
Dave Monroe
- AtDTDA: [38] p.1075 Companionable Silence
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] p.1076 What It Means To Be An American
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] p.1076 What It Means To Be An American [take 2]
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] p. 1077 "We're in Hell, you know"
robinlandseadel at
- Kafka's Porn Stash
David Morris
- AtDTDA: [38] p. 1078 Zermelo's Axiom of Choice
robinlandseadel at
- Misc. very P...the NYPL listing for Against the that order
Mark Kohut
- So ATD deja-vu
Glenn Scheper
- Fw: Surpassing Nature, Scientists Bend Light Backward
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA: [38] pgs. 1079, 1081 "Talk about anomalies in Time!"
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: [38] pgs.156, 1080, 1084, 1085 Where he should really be [Re: Quaternion Julia Sets]
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] Pgs. 156, 1079, 1080 Prayer Wheels and Throat Singing
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] 1080 The Lord, over lunch
robinlandseadel at
- After robin AtD (38)
Mark Kohut
- a music composition, light, and I am reminded of AtD
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda28: Promising young dynamiter revisted, 801-802
Paul Nightingale
- AtdTDA: [38] pgs. 1082, 1083 Vegetariano
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: [38] pgs, 1082/1084 A vector passing through the invisible
robinlandseadel at
- AtdTDA: [38] p. 1083 " Look at 'em down there."
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: [38] p. 1085 They fly towards grace.
robinlandseadel at
- Flaubert's Overcoat
Dave Monroe
- GR-ish: Julia Child and OSS
robinlandseadel at
- Against the Day: First Last thoughts
robinlandseadel at
- Against the Day: Giordano Bruno
robinlandseadel at
- Herb Gold, elder statesman of the Beat Generation, writes on
Dave Monroe
- Search PDF´s via pdfgeni
Werner Presber
- For the Schweineheld in all of us
Krafft, John M.
- Has anyone seen this?
János Székely
- Coetzee moves toward grace
Mark Kohut
- Master of Petersburg/Haydn's "Kazoo" Quartet in G-Flat
robinlandseadel at
- He Blurbed, She Blurbed: In Which TRP makes a major appearance
Mark Kohut
- AtD, 'the ending' a Tibetan Sky-Funeral a relevant allusion?....(found for Robin)
Mark Kohut
- Sidebar: Max Weber beyond the routinization of charisma..from Wikipedia
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Sketchbook, etc.
Dave Monroe
- Decade of Nightmares
Dave Monroe
- Screed of the day
robinlandseadel at
- Atdtda28: Not yet, 802-804
Paul Nightingale
- CoL49, Library copy, 2ed ed.: $40 @ Moe's Po-Mo Outpost
robinlandseadel at
- NP: The crying of 49 neurons
robinlandseadel at
- A 'Silent Rave" in NYC which is comapred to the anarchist dance in C of Lot 49
Mark Kohut
- MPCAD - translator's intro
Michael Bailey
- NP: Fox seeks to stop WB's "Watchmen" after court win
Tim Strzechowski
- Another AtD review (also: Tirdad Zolghadr)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The Physics of Watchmen
Dave Monroe
- NP: Fox seeks to stop WB's
kelber at
- A Hole in the Ground With a Liar at the Top
grladams at
- In which a Signed Copy of a Pynchon novel makes an appearance
Mark Kohut
- MPCAD - Rhizome
Michael Bailey
- Atdtda28: UnAmerican nights, 805
Paul Nightingale
- Measure for Measure: Communist Songwriting (Sort Of)
kevincummiskey at
- NP Ray Bradbury
- NP {now P} : Fox/"Watchmen" /Tangents
robinlandseadel at
- In Which a Blogger with a Political Bent reads ATD against the present day
Mark Kohut
- Dependent Origination & Grace
Anne Bradstreet
- MPCAD - Treatise on Nomadology - The War Machine
Michael Bailey
- Alert: Pynchon Character, Usain Bolt dashes ...
kevin cummiskey
- Atdtda29: Usual Theign, 806-807
Paul Nightingale
- To Otto and Kevin
Krafft, John M.
- Greetings from the Post Mark'd West!
David Kipen
- TRP may believe humans learn more morality from dogs.......
Mark Kohut
- Henry Adams speaks; TRP once listened hard
Mark Kohut
- Denmark in AtD (so to speak, metaphorically)....
Mark Kohut
- On the authority behind the Chums?; from Democracy in America, Chap 5
Mark Kohut
- Fw: On the authority behind the Chums?; from Democracy in America, Chap 5
kevin cummiskey
- MPCAD November 28, 1947: How do you make yourself a body without organs?
Michael Bailey
- Fwd: "fang" - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- MPCAD - 1730: Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal...
Michael Bailey
- Fw: F a n g s ALOT...
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Agent K-13
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Could it be Gyrodyne or Gruman?
kevin cummiskey
- the L.E.D thing, but is there a doctor in the house?
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Originals? vs Secondaries? Don't ask. I give up...
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Quelle Interessant
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: Quelle Interessant
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: Quelle Interessant [squared]
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: failure notice
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: failure notice
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: failure notice Chapt. ll Part ll
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Financial Armageddon
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Financial Armageddon 4 or quit cnting
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: Financial Armageddon 5, dont start
kevin cummiskey
- posting styles
Michael Bailey
- D&G weekend breather
Michael Bailey
- (non-pynchon) Movies
Michael Bailey
- and furthermore... (he said with a grin) (as he wiped off his chin)
Michael Bailey
- And on the 7th day. . . .
robinlandseadel at
- Fw: Guitarthritis: Urban Word of the Day
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: And on the 7th day. . . .
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Come join me at Sept. 2nd SHUT DOWN on General Strike...
kevin cummiskey
- THOMAS PYNCHON True 1st V. w/ Jacket
Dave Monroe
- Fw: THOMAS PYNCHON True 1st V. w/ Jacket/Sweater
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: And on the 7th day. . . .1a
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: "glad" - Word of the Day from the OED
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: {V} 1st Edition Insainitys & other Sun-dried Tomatoes
kevin cummiskey
- Hi IKKI by way of MALIGND...
kevin cummiskey
kevin cummiskey
- For: E-7 Beettle
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: And on the 7th day Misplaced Gratuities
kevin cummiskey
- For those of you interested in dimensions
Lawrence Bryan
- Fw: Re: For: E-7 Beettle )2(
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: "Murngin" - Word of the Day from the OED
kevin cummiskey
- MPPAD - 10,000 B.C.: The Geology of Morals (Who Does the Earth Think It is?) / Finale
Michael Bailey
- Atdtda29: You are all alike, 807-808
Paul Nightingale
- np H. R. Giger
- NP - Pandora Radio
David Morris
- A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
David Morris
- Fw: Re: To Otto and Kevin and Slices
kevin cummiskey
- Attn: Slices Couldnt Let Lying Dogs Lay
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Attn: Slices Couldnt Let Lying Dogs Lay [chapt.2]
kevin cummiskey
- Atdtda29: Life in the automatic restaurant, 808-810
Paul Nightingale
- Face a Pynchon
Ya Sam
- The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times
Michel Ryckx
- Cyclocosmia
Ya Sam
- Monroe Doctrine states:
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Document , slow on up take
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Confused Doctrine w/Document
kevin cummiskey
- Doctrinaire Related Deviancies
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Monroe Doctrine states: Dim Strdghsfk;ghsdgfh
kevin cummiskey
- Re: Face à Pynchon / Cyclocosmia
Francois Monti
- [no re]
kevin cummiskey
- TMoP
Lawrence Bryan
- [no re] - Bryan, more likly Borean
kevin cummiskey
- [no re] other than Morris is Porous
kevin cummiskey
- Change in Plans? - Dimm
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Doctrinaire Related Deviancies/Musical Chairs
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Life in the Slow Lane?
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: Master of Petersburg Reading Schedule (chapt. 14?)
kevin cummiskey
- perhaps Morris is Pynchon (or maybe kevin is) (np) (unless he is...)
Michael Bailey
- Fw: Porous shows me how Cute he is
kevin cummiskey
- About: Doctrine VS. Document
kevin cummiskey
- Notion: Re-Group
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: DimmWit x 2 or Ive Lost Count
kevin cummiskey
- 2 (endless) Doctrine(s) of Monotonity
kevin cummiskey
- Jack Parson Cartoon
David Payne
- Life amongst Myself, Slices, and doctrine
kevin cummiskey
kevin cummiskey
- Atdtda29: Inevitable Graz, 811
Paul Nightingale
- Fw: Re: NP - Pandora Radio
kevin cummiskey
- state of the nation
kevin cummiskey
- Fw: chthonic: Word of the Day
kevin cummiskey
- [no re] - As You Were, [Yes Re]: porousmorris
kevin cummiskey
- The MboP, Dostoyevski, and PP, DC, GT, TBSDs AiW, BB, TTLG, TOPR, AoHF, CotW
kevin cummiskey
- TMboP
kevin cummiskey
- Wha? Where's Robin? You Ask...
kevin CUMMiskey
- No subject
malignd at
- D&G divagation - is Professor Challenger a tumbler for Deleuze himself, and other natterings
Michael Bailey
- A Worm's Life
kevin CUMM-is-key
- Kevin Cummiskey thinks you'll love Pandora music radio
Kevin CUMM-is-key
- Portal to mythical Mayan underworld found in Mexico
David Payne
- Make The PIe HIGHER
kevin CUMM-is-key
- danny-boy, our lastest entrant
duhh CUMM-is-key
- Fw: Re: [no re]
duhh CUMM-is-key
- REVEILLE - (another day, another nickel)
duhh CUMM-is-key
- Fw: redress: Word of the Day
duhh CUMM-is-key
- fruit of the unbelievable black topsoil ...
Erik T. Burns
- From today's Ishmail (Melville listserve)
Tim Strzechowski
- Chris Smith: American Original
Dave Monroe
- With glee: allon-boy joins the ranks
duhh CUMM-is-key
- Fw: Not Ready for Gustav
duhh CUMM-is-key
- Alert: Bolt Dashes - Bettle Sputters
duhh CUMM-is-key
- Subjuct @ hand: Make Worms Not War
duhh CUMM-is-key
- No REVEILLE it's the weekend...
Mr. Dick
- Fw: No REVEILLE it's the weekend...
K3 ViN Cummiskey
- HIStory is Dawning, Tara
K3 ViN Cummiskey
- No REVEILLE it's the weekend... /and we thank you
Michael Bailey
- MacArthur Fellowship
James Kelly
- Master of Petersburg/Psychopomp
robinlandseadel at
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 22:20:55 CDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:58:51 CST 2018
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