August 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Aug 1 08:27:27 CDT 2013
Ending: Sat Aug 31 22:04:15 CDT 2013
Messages: 594
- Interview with Elfriede Jelinek on her translation of GR
- from Orbit. Link did not work for me. You?
Mark Kohut
- what a line!...
Mark Kohut
- test
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- test
Ian Livingston
- test
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- test
Dave Monroe
- san francisco
jochen stremmel
- Fwd: It was 70 years ago this month ... LSD in literature
- A bit about Oyster Bay
Matthew Cissell
- Krakatoa On PBS
David Morris
- Art of the phony
alice wellintown
- Fwd: "paroemiographer | paremiographer, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- [np] Found in Translation
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- That unrealistic view of s/Science again (Bruno Latour)
alice wellintown
- Today, IPW 2013 began
Mark Kohut
- US tells agents to cover up where info came from.
Mark Kohut
- Very Misc.
Mark Kohut
- My Dasein? (but let's move beyond me)
Mark Kohut
- "in agreement with the essence of his philosophy"--Lowith
Mark Kohut
- This remark is famous. alluded to by Coetzee, Cavill, others and
Mark Kohut
- what do I know?
Mark Kohut
- I--why me?, he whines--would rather read Levinas
Mark Kohut
- An Unrecognizable Figure: Transatlantic's Douglass & McCann's Truncated Sentences
alice wellintown
- Well, what socks is Pynchon wearing today?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Heidegger.
Mark Kohut
- #ipw2013
Mark Kohut
- #ipw2013 Dr. Martin Eve
Mark Kohut
- Radio Unnameable
alice wellintown
Dave Monroe
- Very Misc. like the Giant Adenoid
Mark Kohut
- The Two Cultures, always new
Mark Kohut
- Tweeting GR...resonant
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda36: Watch your step, everyone, 1018-1021 #1
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda36: Watch your step, everyone, 1018-1021 #2
Paul Nightingale
- Fwd: "octodesexcentenary, adj." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Too Much Johnson (1938)
Dave Monroe
- Rilke & Pynchon? & N.O. Brown-like & AtD? 1/2
Mark Kohut
- Rilke & Pynchon? & N.O. Brown? & AtD...
Mark Kohut
- per Monte's last post on scholars and sourcing for p's works
Mark Kohut
- Joanna Newsom Joins Paul Thomas Anderson's 'Inherent Vice'
Dave Monroe
- A day that lives in infamy
Ian Livingston
- Fw: [New post] “The Old Men” — William Carlos Williams
Mark Kohut
- A Coffee Thesaurus
Mark Kohut
- You Never Did...
Henry M
- Fw: [New post] Woman Grinding Coffee — Vincent van Gogh
Mark Kohut
- Coffee again, and freedom
Mark Kohut
- Power, that TRP theme..and empathy-- mirror neurons appear. Science sez
Mark Kohut
- NP really. Misc. It was in the air that writers breathe
Mark Kohut
- Salman Rushdie Speaks!..about TRP
Mark Kohut
- Fw: [New post] “The Coffee-House of Surat” — Leo Tolstoy
Mark Kohut
- Pieces of Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- VL bush-vet
Max Nemtsov
- @IanDileyPH did you see his description of Pynchon? Blue jeans, checked shirt, tall, Einstein hair and Bugs Bunny teeth!
Mark Kohut
- Otto Muhl
- Atdtda36: As if desire were all it would take, 1021-1026 #1
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda36: As if desire were all it would take, 1021-1026 #2
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda36: As if desire were all it would take, 1021-1026 #3
Paul Nightingale
- On International Pynchon Week 2013
Mark Kohut
- Is it okay to laugh at Hitler?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Gravity's Rainbow @Total_Pynchon ..
Mark Kohut
- Happy 126th Birthday, Erwin Schrödinger!
Dave Monroe
alice wellintown
- Oppenheimer: The Shape of Genius
alice wellintown
- Today's discussion question
Mark Kohut
- The Day the Clown Cried (1972)
Dave Monroe
- War IS declining globally. Read the piece linked by "devoted" for more.
Mark Kohut
- Misc. History is the history of light. (paraphrase from AtD)
Mark Kohut
- Music
Keith Davis
- columbian liberty bell -- almost like a passing of the torch...hmmm...
Michael Bailey
- NP:ENGINE from a human quality to a machine and beyond
Mark Kohut
- The Monster Channel
Dave Monroe
- boom of apparitions in late 19th century America?
alice wellintown
- More on Tesla
alice wellintown
- Not P but M (arx) and translation
Mark Kohut
- PW reviews BLEEDING EDGE and v favorably
Mark Kohut
- Bleeding Edge uncorrected proof...
John Bailey
- why violence works
alice wellintown
- NP but Camus with a great phrase within his anti-nationalism
Mark Kohut
- Leavis v Snow: the two-cultures bust-up 50 years on
Dave Monroe
- GR translation: a ground that by now has gathered
Mike Jing
- Our Need for Entertainment (Fiction)
David Morris
- George Saunders's Advice to Graduates
Dave Monroe
- Franzen and Pynchon
Joseph Tracy
- NP but The Age of Wonder
Mark Kohut
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Thoughts on Javier Baez's development and the Thomas Pynchon theory of Starlin Castro's struggles
Dave Monroe
- Atdtda36: The other side of the tapestry, 1026-1027
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda36: One morning, 1027-1028
Paul Nightingale
- Fox: His Suffering Soul & His "opening"
alice wellintown
- NP but Calvin&Hobbes possibly BE relat'd?
Lemuel Underwing
- Randolph Bourne On Mencken
alice wellintown
- Cunningham on Fox's Melancholy and Madness
alice wellintown
- Kyrgyz akyns
Krafft, John M.
- Dark Tongues
Dave Monroe
- Why We Talk in Tongues
Dave Monroe
- The White Culture of Violence
Dave Monroe
- Artificial Intelligence and What Computers Still Don't Understand
Dave Monroe
- NP except maybe sorta too, but Gass on Rilke and grace
Mark Kohut
- Mind the two cultures gap
Mark Kohut
- CFP: Investigating Bleeding Edge 2.0 (Lublin)
Heikki Raudaskoski
- John Hollander requiescat in pace
Lemuel Underwing
- Bleeding Edge - audio
- Mad Memoirs (Confessions)
alice wellintown
- A Gravity's Rainbow Archive Screams Across The Sky
Dave Monroe
- Paul Thomas Anderson’s ‘Inherent Vice’ Gets Its Adrian Prussia
Dave Monroe
- From Piranesi to Playstation
Monte Davis
- The Internet Police
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon's New Heroine ...
Dave Monroe
- BE: echoes in coastal waters
Monte Davis
- Whitehall Today
David Morris
- GR translation: mirror-rotation of sorrow
Mike Jing
- Happy 151st Birthday, Claude Debussy!
Dave Monroe
- FBI suspected William Vollmann was the Unabomber
Henry M
- Shooting Wraps on Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- Nabakov Maps Ulysses
Henry M
- Fwd: [New post] Anarchists’ Golf (Maybe a Synecdoche of Thomas Pynchon’s Novel Against the Day)
- Atdtda36: Our clients are insistent, 1028-1029
Paul Nightingale
- VL: check in the mayo
Max Nemtsov
- Bacon & Dregs
alice wellintown
- A Lost Syllabus?
alice wellintown
- TOR is an acronym for way into the deep web, Guy on NPR said.
- Another crazy, laughed-at question out of Pynchon.
Mark Kohut
- Very Misc. bananas
Mark Kohut
- banana story, " yes,I have no bananas ( now)"
- Germans were banned from eating sausages during WWI because intestines of 250,000 cows were needed to make each Zeppelin
Dave Monroe
- Cocktail Recipe: The Crocodile, a Traditional Anarchist Favorite (Thomas Pynchon’s Against the Day)
Dave Monroe
- Plot 49
Dave Monroe
- let's learn something
lee momonin
- Insane Bus Driver in China
David Morris
- Nuke York, New York: Nuclear Holocaust in the American Imagination from Hiroshima to 9/11
Dave Monroe
- NP. Very misc. On natural rocks
- DARPA, bringer of the interwebs, wants new "deep webs"
- Sermon to the Dark Sages.
alice wellintown
- Nick Chopper (The Tin Woodman)
Dave Monroe
- MLA 2014: Pynchon at the Bleeding Edge
Dave Monroe
- 43 new books for fall 2013
Dave Monroe
- Melanie Jackson
- On the Thomas Pynchon Trail: From the Long Island of His Boyhood to the "Yupper West Side" of His New Novel
Devashish Singh
- What a fascist really, really, is
Dave Monroe
- NP: Terry, the Mexican Girl
Henry M
- On the Thomas Pynchon Trail: From the Long Island of His Boyhood to the ‘Yupper West Side’ of His New Novel
Henry M
- Rate of global ocean acidification speeds
Joseph Tracy
- NP: Paris Hotel
Henry M
- (np) Wayne Shorter turned 80 yesterday
Michael Bailey
- Fwd: [New post] The Chums of Chance Reading List (Thomas Pynchon’s Against the Day)
- Robert Crumb illustrates the Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick
Dave Monroe
- Remember the mysterious riders in black in AtD?
Mark Kohut
- The Cremator
- Chimerica
Costas Stergiou
- war lies from the Ministry of Truth?
Joseph Tracy
- NP - "Why I Hate Pandas and You Should Too"
Charles Albert
- Deep Web marketing for THE BLEEDING EDGE?
- Gravity's Rainbow: The Missing Audiobook
Dave Monroe
- Fw: [New post] Creation with Astral Rays — Remedios Varo
Mark Kohut
- NP but lit crit in 20 years, he sez
Mark Kohut
- Which Edge?
Prashant Kumar
- Pynchon Audiobooks
Dave Monroe
- NP - Your Evening Jemmy
David Morris
- (semi-NP) Is this doctor giving Esther a nosejob in reality?
Aaron Marks
- Happy 96th Birthday, Jack Kirby (1917 - 1994)!
Dave Monroe
- Grace may always be with us
- Why Teach English?
Dave Monroe
- Review of Bleeding Edge
Dave Monroe
- The Passaic & Whiting Paper Company (Very Long Post)
alice wellintown
- Shakespeare’s hand in the additional passages to Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy
Dave Monroe
- Introspection
Dave Monroe
- Similar to an Inherent Vice scene
- Atdtda36: That's sort of the problem, 1029-1032
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda36: Gentlemen, 1032-1033
Paul Nightingale
- Pynchon on Syria
- Seamus Heaney Dies at 74
Joseph Tracy
- Seamus Heaney, requiescat in pace
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: [New post] The Chums of Chance Meet the Wandering Sisterhood of the Sodality of Ætheronauts (Pynchon’s Against the Day)
- On another topic entirely
Keith Davis
- Pynchon in Public Podcast Version 0.0
Dave Monroe
- Obama To Seek Approval From Congress For Syria Action
David Morris
- Arlo & Janis 8/31/13
Dave Monroe
- Bloody Brands: Dictating the Market
Dave Monroe
- AtD
Keith Davis
- Obama's war?
Joseph Tracy
Last message date:
Sat Aug 31 22:04:15 CDT 2013
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:09:13 CST 2018
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