December 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Dec 1 08:05:28 CST 2013
Ending: Tue Dec 31 23:35:58 CST 2013
Messages: 530
- Hector & Reg / Frenesi & Maxine
Fiona Shnapple
- Misc. crazy bleeding edge algorithms?
Mark Kohut
- Maxine & the metaphysics of technological neutrality or Who ain't a Slave of Science-Capitalism (Burns)
Fiona Shnapple
- Something Pynchon knows in BE?...."Flow"
Mark Kohut
- Hannah Maxine Arendt and Martin Horst Windust Heidegger Loeffler
Joseph Tracy
- NP...Finnegan's Wake and the televisual
Mark Kohut
- Horst
David Morris
- NP Amazon's delivery drones
Mark Kohut
- Peter Kaplan on Ronald Reagan, 1980, The New Republic
Robin Landseadel
- one place I got the idea
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Today only- Save 50% off Duke University Press books!
Dave Monroe
- Part detective story part paean to New York City
Dave Monroe
- Arendt
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Seems that when Time did Hannah for Origins
Mark Kohut
- arendt and heidegger
Don Antenen
- It's Pynchon's world, even DeLillo pays homage
Mark Kohut
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Michael Bailey
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Joseph Tracy
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Joseph Tracy
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Joseph Tracy
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
malignd at
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Michael Bailey
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Michael Bailey
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Michael Bailey
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Mark Kohut
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Raymond Easton
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
jochen stremmel
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Joseph Tracy
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Fw: Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
Fiona Shnapple
- Arendt and Heidegger, the postwar 'friendship"
- Arendt about Heidegger
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
Dave Monroe
- Tools of Liberation—Yantra Paintings
Robin Landseadel
- The Day Irony Stood Still: On Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding Edge
Dave Monroe
- Orbit: full issues now available
Martin Eve
- Pynchon's Mason & Dixon: Latitudes and Departures
Dave Monroe
- Звездный ворс (2012)
Dave Monroe
- Here Be Monsters
Fiona Shnapple
- Why Life Does Not Really Exist
Fiona Shnapple
- End of the Road:
Fiona Shnapple
- How to care for cats — and how to kill them
Dave Monroe
- Happy St. Nicholas Day!
Dave Monroe
- NP but Coetzee on Mandela
Mark Kohut
- March & Mike's Neo-Liberalism (the Mayor who can't be bought at any price) The Bloomberg Way:
Fiona Shnapple
- the toilet thread
Mark Kohut
- BE: Maxine's misunderstood high school boys and the girls who compete to...them
Fiona Shnapple
- Forms of Violent Resistance
David Morris
- Warren Publishing @
Dave Monroe
- here's to Blood in your Beer
Fiona Shnapple
- Maxine & the Neo-Human Condition (Arendt thru Foucault to Mirowski)
Michael Bailey
- "Maxine, whistling 'Help Me Rhonda' through her teeth" (p. 7)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Nothing is Beyond Our Reach
Dave Monroe
- Very tangential
- 10 Best Books of 2013
David Morris
- Archer Blood
David Morris
- Gr translation: crackling-tower
Mike Jing
- GR translation: dithering between executioner’s silence and the Big Time
Mike Jing
- NP but maybe a good approximation: Delaney named Grand Master
János Széky
- NP - Easy Easy by King Krule
David Morris
- BEER Chapter 9, 90, 91 The Wrong Door
Robin Landseadel
- BEER chapter 9 92, 95: "Psycho"
Robin Landseadel
- Happy 107th Birthday, Grace Hopper!
Dave Monroe
- The Big Time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mark Kohut
- Misc, but BE related
Mark Kohut
- Possibly BE interest - RL Agents in DeepArcher
Mark Sacha
- No comment required
Monte Davis
- New Podcast: Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge
Dave Monroe
- Iceland Spar as 'doubleness' and jazz
Mark Kohut
- BE and V.
Michael Bailey
- (NP) Gibson mixup
Michael Bailey
- The Outsider, Colin Wilson RIP
Mark Kohut
- "That poised "ambiguity' "that might be Pynchon in AtD?
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #10378
Doug Millison
- libertarians, anarchists on a 'basic income" in today's NYT
Mark Kohut
- misc. thematic asides re BE
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon Could Have Met a Spy in the Virtual World Second Life
Dave Monroe
Thomas Eckhardt
- BEER -- chapters 10 and 23 (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 1.1
Thomas Eckhardt
- BEER -- chapters 10 and 23 (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 1.2
Thomas Eckhardt
- BEER -- chapters 10 and 23 (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 1.4
Thomas Eckhardt
- BEER -- chapters 10 and 23 (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 1.5
Thomas Eckhardt
- Horst's REEs and the Apple Jobs Mystery
Fiona Shnapple
- PROMIS 1.3.
Thomas Eckhardt
- Pulps and glossies
Monte Davis
- BE on the Radio
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- A Conspiracy Too Big To Notice
David Morris
- Iceland Spar
Henry M
- BEER -- chapters 10 and 23 (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 1.3.1
Thomas Eckhardt
- BEER -- chapters 10 and 23 (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 1.3.2
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - The Impossible (2012)
David Morris
- Marvin the Koz Flying Dutchman day job and the mayor
Fiona Shnapple
- NP but DFW
Mark Kohut
- What Are Your Favorite Works of World Literature?
Dave Monroe
- jacket copy, V.
Mark Kohut
- Rolls, Albert on Pynchon, Thomas | berfrois
Mark Kohut
- NPR's best reads of 2013
kelber at
- Best books (fiction & non-fiction) of the 21st century?
Fiona Shnapple
- For Michael, who asked about "Adolf."....
Mark Kohut
- BEER (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 2
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP at all. But Aldiss
Mark Kohut
- Why Windust & Maxine?
Fiona Shnapple
- BE-related fact
Mark Kohut
- coffee, a P thing. A use I bet you haven't heard
Mark Kohut
- How Ted Koppel and ABC TV Tried to Steal my Life Work | natethayer
Mark Kohut
- NP but Flann O'Brien
Mark Kohut
- Ice's Lapland Servers
Fiona Shnapple
- Review of ‘Bleeding Edge: A Novel’
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon's newest novel is clever, demanding
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon Doll Miniature Author and Writer Art Collectible
Dave Monroe
- The Big Time
David Morris
- GR translation: do the Tootsie Roll
Mike Jing
- Vineland in Russian
Max Nemtsov
- (NP - or is it?) Bella Abzug
Michael Bailey
- Running a Line
David Morris
- Finance Criminals
David Morris
- Our Privacy is Our Liberty
David Morris
- NP - Charles Pierce reviews David Brooks
David Morris
- "The Obsolete Man" (1961)
Dave Monroe
- The one thing "1984" missed
Robin Landseadel
- Snowden, Manning, Assange are mere Goldsteins in the Game
Fiona Shnapple
Robin Landseadel
- Fwd: Tweet from Bill D (@PynchonInPublic)
- BEER (possible spoilers) -- PROMIS 3
Thomas Eckhardt
- Re BE as 1984
Mark Kohut
Robin Landseadel
- Writers and the NSA etc.
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP but Ulysses as a work of art, doubled
- A Carol for Another Christmas (1964)
Dave Monroe
- Maxine meets Windust ("Make it literary")
Fiona Shnapple
- Interview with Poet Tod Perry (One of Pynchon & Farina's Best Friends at Cornell)
David Payne
- Falling Upwards Against the Day....
Mark Kohut
- Happy 100th Birthday, Crossword Puzzles!
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: Modernity, enchantment, and Fictionalism « The Immanent Frame
- Political comment. Obama and our privately " free" life...
- A Professional Nose & The War of the Noses in Japan
Fiona Shnapple
- Epilogue, so far
Mark Kohut
- Dmitri Desgoffe-und-Taxis
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: These 2 Cities Are Now Exclusively For Rich People
- Maxine & the Break a Leg boyz
Fiona Shnapple
- Pynchon and Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Foucault and Adorno, by Martin Eve
- Christmas for Bankers, the questions about 21st century theft via digital mortgages
Joseph Tracy
- Virtual Reality, Real Spies (Atwood)
Fiona Shnapple
- Inside Llewyn Davis
Fiona Shnapple
- Grace again
Mark Kohut
- NP but JJ
Mark Kohut
- ANARCHY, institutionalized
Mark Kohut
- software back doors etc.
Thomas Eckhardt
- Latke-Hamantasch Debate Becomes Verbal Food Fight
Fiona Shnapple
- semi-NP Proust and Buddhism
Monte Davis
- P's ethics? The Mayors
Fiona Shnapple
- Middle of Gravity
David Payne
- Thomas Pynchon vs. Carson McCullers
Dave Monroe
- Tidings of explicit comfort, feasible joy (2013)
Dave Monroe
- NP but American (Toilet) Hustle
- remembering Henry Miller on his birthday
Ian Livingston
- Lester Traipse, Bartleby the Scrivener & The "woraciousness" of the Sharks
Fiona Shnapple
- Correlation is not causation
H. R. Riley
- BE Spoiler (if that's possible now)
H. R. Riley
- Maxine's Addiction
David Morris
- Paranoid Interference on Maxine's Antennas (Kurt Mondaugen revisited)
Fiona Shnapple
- Time Entanglement
Fiona Shnapple
- Fwd: The Big Apple and Other Food You Can't Eat - Frank Stevens - Google Books
- BE relevant, quite obliquely...and CofL49, even more obliquely?
- Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon: review
Dave Monroe
- Book Review: BLEEDING EDGE
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice (2014)
Dave Monroe
- Late capitalism ...again.
Mark Kohut
- this is entirely true
Indel Icate
- adapted from the Preface to T.C Boyle Stories II
Martha Rooster-Singh
- Copellia
David Morris
Last message date:
Tue Dec 31 23:35:58 CST 2013
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:09:22 CST 2018
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