April 2001 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Apr 1 00:02:10 CST 2001
Ending: Mon Apr 30 22:17:18 CDT 2001
Messages: 867
- VV(12): Foppl
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon-Tinasky
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1744
Doug Millison
- Playlist addition Ernest Tubb
Jeremy Osner
- V.V. (13) 1904
- CIA on LSD
rosenlake at mac.com
- Blicero's "cycle" & his Critics
- Plato & Spengler - sorry very long, but little cfa
- Yew as Death Symbol
David Morris
- Bartleby
- Modern Catholic Architecture
- FWD: Another US DNS Policy Study
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Weissmann is not guilty
- Now I sense all Earth like a baby
- VV(13) - Sjambok
David Morris
- April 15th
Dave Meury
- playlist addition (V.V.)
- VV(13) - Hereros
David Morris
- VV(13) - Von Trotha
David Morris
- VV(13) - Doubleganger
David Morris
- Anselm Kiefer
Dave Monroe
- V.V. (13) Lhamon
- VV(13) - Foppl
David Morris
- Win a Free Book ...
Dave Monroe
- Please sir, may I have sum Moore
- Nishida Kitaro
- VV(13) - Veronica Vera
David Morris
- VV(11): The Ultimate Shape
Dave Monroe
- VV(12): Sferics
Dave Monroe
- VV(12): 1922
Dave Monroe
- Foucault & co. (was Re: Plato & Spengler ...
- absinthe addled frog Was:Foucault
calbert at tiac.net
- The Linguistic Turn (was Re: absinthe addled frog/Foucault
- VV(13) - Voyeurism
David Morris
- VV(13) - Fasching
David Morris
- VV(13) - Kiel Revolt
David Morris
- Playlist Addition
Dave Monroe
- Atwill, "Chemistry and Colonialism Gone Ballistic"
Dave Monroe
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1749
kevin at limits.org
- VV(13) - Sferics
David Morris
- Pulitzer--Apr 16
Richard Romeo
- VV(13) - Southward Progression
David Morris
- VV(13) - Boyz to Men
David Morris
- V.V. (13) Vheissu and Manhattan
- Memento
Jeremy Osner
- VV(12):
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday, Gabriela Mistral!
Dave Monroe
- No subject
David Morris
- VV(13) - Buck Fush!
David Morris
- VV(12): Avant-Garde
Dave Monroe
- VV(12): Weissmann
Dave Monroe
- VV(13) - Conspiracy
David Morris
- FWD: Netter's Abbreviation/Acronym Glossary
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- VV(13) - Dreams Tonight Will Shelter You
David Morris
- VV (13) - Stand Wolf
David Morris
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1755
Doug Millison
- VV(13): Enters Weismann.
Michel Ryckx
- VV(13): Enters Weismann
- NP awards
Doug Millison
- VV(13): Vheissu
Dave Monroe
- VV(V): V.
Dave Monroe
- Dickson, The Utterance of America
Dave Monroe
- rejoining the party
Doug Millison
- Pynch Me!
Herr Teufelsdröckh
- VV(13) - Dream a Little One for Me
David Morris
- absoultely relative
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- Fwd: Naive Nazis duped by cunning scientists
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- something about pynchon and me...
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- VV(12): Her Left Eye
Dave Monroe
- the copy righter
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- DP
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- VV(11): Outside the Pattern
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- Book note
MalignD at aol.com
- Oklahoma City University Law Review
David Morris
- R.I.P. Neddy Seagoon [NP]
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Eddins on Blicero
- VV Host Sign-Up
David Morris
- V.V. (13) Stories of O and V?
- Tanks for the memories...
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- NP editor Jérôme Lindon obituary
Doug Millison
- H. St. John Philby and Ubar
calbert at tiac.net
- European fascisms (Re: Tanks for the memories...
- V.V. (13) Playlist Addition
- "[Pynchon] was of The Devil's Party without knowing it"
- a little help...
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- Eddins and Blicero
- Eddins on Blicero - "[Pynchon] was of The Devil's Party without knowing it"
- Ishtar
David Morris
- rip joey ramone
cj hurtt
- More type Oh no negatives
- NP Seamus Heaney in L.A.
Vassegh, Robert F
- VV(14) Host?
- Pulitzer
Mark A. Douglas
- Pynchon record in Writer's Directory
Richard Romeo
- V.V. (13) Abraham Morris
- Transmutations
- what is good about virginia woolf?
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- Futurism, Surrealism, again.
Mark David Tristan Brenchley
- V.V. (13) "And they heard a Bondel one night ... " 277.17 (was Re: Eddins on Blicero
- V.V. (14) McLintic's "bad week" at the V-Note
- V.V. (14) Ruby
- that long parable parody sentence
- Afrikaans pronunciation
CyrusGeo at netscape.net
- FWD: Open Source Films
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- V.V. (14) Cheese Danish # 35
- Pynchon Family Religion
- Knight, Conspiracy Culture
Dave Monroe
- Mason & Dixon Astrological Review
- Those Hollander Essays Again
- The Salon Media article
Kris Majer
- V.V. (13) "And they heard a Bondel one night ... " 277.17
- Intro Lit. Crit?
Mason, James
- From Rock to Ruby to peace, love, and marraige
- Bush and the Nazis
Richard Romeo
- The Kyrgyz Bakshi
Doug Millison
- NP Abe Burrows Collection
Doug Millison
- Sanders, "The Politics of Literary Reinscription ..."
Dave Monroe
- Ruby
- & etc.
Doug Millison
- Gimme Yer Best Shot, Pointsman!
- VV(14) - Can You Dig It Baby
David Morris
- TRP spotted in Africa (?)
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Corroboration for Doug (was Re: Sanders ...
- Siegel/Hollander (was Re: & etc.
- Re. & etc.
David Morris
- VV(14) - The Creative & The Receptive
David Morris
- V-2 site
- Pastoralists in Southern Africa
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Pynchon's Modesty?
Richard Romeo
- NP Foucault
Doug Millison
- Moaning has broken...
Mike Weaver
- Author Unknown
Mike Weaver
- V.V. (14) SHOCK and SHROUD
- NP Pulitzer and Jefferson Muzzle Awards web site
Doug Millison
- adios amigos
Doug Millison
- Re. Putch up or stop Moaning
David Morris
- Just Out of Curiosity...
Mark A. Douglas
- V.V.(14): Skin.
Michel Ryckx
- Deep Diving, Democracy & the Shaman
Jane Sweet
- Fwd: ZNet Update - Quebec Day One Report
Doug Millison
- Fwd: ZNet Free Update: Quebec 2
Doug Millison
- a reading from the FT
Jane Sweet
- Moaning has Broken
JBFRAME at aol.com
- feeding your paranoia since 1997
JBFRAME at aol.com
- What's wrong with Pynchon-L?
Doug Millison
- NP
- VV(11): Gyrocompass
Dave Monroe
- Two books, Monk & Time
Jane Sweet
- Fallere
Jane Sweet
- Once again
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1775
Doug Millison
- The Essence of W.A.S.T.E was Moaning has broken...
Gabe Luci
- P-List Lurkers Ignite!
David Morris
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1776
Doug Millison
- Pynchon-L history...
Doug Millison
- welcome back s~Z
Doug Millison
- On another note: Slothrop and the Rockets
MalignD at aol.com
- Lurkers ARE particpating
Jane Sweet
- the thing with two heads
Richard Romeo
- one more in meta-mode RE: Pynchon-L history...
Doug Millison
- the thing with two heads [NP]
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Vineland revisited
Doug Millison
- "Can We Have A Free Day?"
- the whole sick list
William Messimer
- Slothrop & the Rocket
Herr Teufeldröcke
- FWD: Group psychology in cyberspace
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1778
Doug Millison
- International Pynchon Conference, Call for Papers
John M. Krafft
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1778 (et al)
MalignD at aol.com
- Au contraire
Jeremy Osner
- NP media
Doug Millison
- Station Identification
- Movie Stars
Tyrone Slothrop
- NP: Arrest That J-Walker
David Morris
- ghost
- P-LIST ADVISORY: Explicit Statement Herein
- Marxist Literary Critics Are Following Me!
Dave Monroe
- The Convictions of Antonio Negri
Dave Monroe
- V-1 for Low-Level Attacks
Dave Monroe
- FWD: Free software movement in Germany
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- FWD: Free software movement in Germany, Part One
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- FWD: Free software movement in Germany, Part Two
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Free Software Movement in Germany, Part Two
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Free Software Movement..., Part Three
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- lies back and takes it
Jane Sweet
- Sympathetic Magic & Cybernetics
Jane Sweet
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1780
Doug Millison
- Directly From My Heart To You: Playlist Addition
- The Kyrghiz Light
Doug Millison
- Open source in Germany
Paul Mackin
- Levity's Hailstorm project scrapped
Doug Millison
David Simpson
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
Phil Wise
- globalization & Pynchon?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- globalization & Pynchon?
Mike Weaver
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
cj hurtt
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Jane Sweet
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Richard Fiero
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
calbert at tiac.net
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Richard Fiero
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Jane Sweet O' Flaherty
- Pokler is captivated by Alpdrucken and female sexual submission
Richard Fiero
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- Sure sign of madness, wasRE: globalization & Pynchon?
- globalization & Pynchon?
Doug Millison
- NP world trade
Doug Millison
- NP online group dynamics
Doug Millison
- Slothrop and the Rockets
- V.V. (12)
- Globalization?
Jane Sweet
- Globalization
Gabe Luci
- Madsen, "Verbal Vivification in V."
Dave Monroe
- This Just In
Jeremy Osner
- Article from Common Dreams NewsCenter
blarney at total.net
- "Who are we working for?"
Jane Sweet
- N(othin but m'man)P
calbert at tiac.net
- Profit and loss
Mike Weaver
- capitalism
- FWD: Hitler's copyright
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Pynchon & corporations
Doug Millison
- Hi, and Pynchon and corporations
AREN5 at aol.com
- oh yeah...
AREN5 at aol.com
- brought to you by the letter G
Jane Sweet
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1788
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Angles on a pynchead
Mike Weaver
- NP art
Doug Millison
- PSA the big dust up
calbert at tiac.net
- Quantum cryptography
Jeremy Osner
calbert at tiac.net
Doug Millison
KXX4493553 at aol.com
Richard Romeo
- This and That
Richard Romeo
- History is contigency
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Contingency
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Two ways of capitalism
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Pynchon and ideology
- V.V. (14) dog days (was Sure sign of madness)
- V.V. (12) Re: N(othin but m'man)P
- Pynchon and global capital/corporations
Doug Millison
- NP globalization
Doug Millison
- Fwd: [FAIR-L] Overdue: Media Scrutiny of the "White Bloc"
Doug Millison
- ? on M&D
AREN5 at aol.com
- global capital/corporations
Mike Weaver
- colonialism/globalism
- NP debt and free trade
Doug Millison
- Pynchon and corporations
Doug Millison
- Slow Learner
- Demonstration in NYC for WBAI ?
Glenn Fuller
- I'm not jbor Doug
Jane Sweet
- The Nationalities are on the move.
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1794
Doug Millison
- NP(?) Academia and imperialism
Doug Millison
- Our Global Neighbourhood
- Kofi Annan in Seattle
- totalitarianism, a 20th century term for tyranny
JBFRAME at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1795
Doug Millison
- Literary Ecology, Daniel R. White
Jane Sweet
- lit eco white
Jane Sweet
- FTAA & Wu Ming
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Ideology (was Re: Profit and Loss)
Mike Weaver
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1796
Doug Millison
- FTAA & unions
- VV(15) Chapter 11, pp.304-346 (1) Some Background Material
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Ideology (was Re: Profit and Loss
Mike Weaver
- FTAA perspectives
Jeremy Osner
- Orwell that ends well
Jane Sweet O' Flaherty
- tighten up your spleen truss
calbert at tiac.net
- FWD: ZNet Update - Rebick Sum-up on Quebec
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- book of the month club
Vassegh, Robert F
- Ideology
Mike Weaver
- Couldn't believe this one.
Michel Ryckx
- 4 Years Ago Today....
Richard Romeo
- VV(15) Chapter 11, pp.304-346 (2) The Confessions
JBFRAME at aol.com
- V.V. (15) Two reasons why Pynchon will never win the Nobel Prize for Literature:
- Pynchon on globalisation? (was Re: pynchon-l-digest V2 #1794
- Question - V Ch. 11
RHBOLLNGER at aol.com
- NP "free trade"
Doug Millison
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 22:17:18 CDT 2001
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:21:43 CST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).