November 2009 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Nov 1 01:05:17 CST 2009
Ending: Mon Nov 30 23:11:25 CST 2009
Messages: 1199
- "Barefoot in the Head" ?
Dave Monroe
- "Barefoot in the Head" ?
Michael Bailey
- "Barefoot in the Head" ?
Dave Monroe
- "The Leonardo of Wermsdorf"
Dave Monroe
- 'new' reissue
Mark Kohut
- 'Nother Kute K. re Dig Yourself
Mark Kohut
- 'Nother Kute K. re Dig Yourself
Joe Allonby
- (np) achewood
Michael Bailey
- (np) achewood
Dave Monroe
- (np) any more like Yer Album?
Michael Bailey
- (np) any more like Yer Album?
Joe Allonby
- 100 books that defined the noughties
David Morris
- 25 of the Scariest Science Experiments Ever Conducted
Dave Monroe
- 261 -266
Joseph Tracy
- 261 -266
kelber at
- 261 -266
John Bailey
- 261 -266
Michael Bailey
- 261 -266
Mark Kohut
- 261 -266
Joseph Tracy
- 50 Great Voices: Help Us Choose
Dave Monroe
- 50 Great Voices: Help Us Choose
- 50 Great Voices: Help Us Choose
John Pendergast
- 50 Great Voices: Help Us Choose
- 7000 Romaine, the last coordinate
Joseph Tracy
- 7000 Romaine, the last coordinate
Michael Bailey
- 7000 Romaine, the last coordinate
Mark Kohut
- 7000 Romaine, the last coordinate
Robin Landseadel
- 7000 Romaine, the last coordinate
kelber at
- 7000 Romaine, the last coordinate
Carvill, John
- [nrp] Time for a Post-American Europe
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- A...and
Mark Kohut
- A Companion to Twentieth-Century United States Fiction
Dave Monroe
- Aforementioned Flatland, new from Cambridge U Press
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Ray Easton
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Robin Landseadel
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Ray Easton
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Monte Davis
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Carvill, John
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Paul Mackin
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Carvill, John
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Ray Easton
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Carvill, John
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Ray Easton
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Ray Easton
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Robin Landseadel
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
David Morris
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Michael Bailey
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Robert Mahnke
- afterthought per Ray and Richard
Mark Kohut
- Alternate-Universe Sci-Fi Channel Show Asks What Would Happen If Germany Lost War
Dave Monroe
- Alternate-Universe Sci-Fi Channel Show Asks What Would Happen If Germany Lost War
- Ambiguity Thaied to a Dragon's Tale
alice wellintown
- Andrzej Zulawski's The Devil (1972)
- Andrzej Zulawski's The Devil (1972)
- Andrzej Zulawski's The Devil (1972)
John Bailey
- A New Literary History of America
Clément Lévy
- A new way of looking at the world
Dave Monroe
- An oblique Ob
Mark Kohut
- another act of anachronism
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Another oblique [Kute?] Big Foot allusion: GR
Mark Kohut
- Art installation celebrates decades of surf culture
David Morris
- Ask Alice, I think she'll know........
John Carvill
- audio version
Paul Mackin
- audio version
Victor Lazzarini
- aw. RE: lagan or ligan/: Carl Schmitt: Land vs. Sea
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- aw. RE: Lemuria in GR (also: maritime law, SpongeBob)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- aw. RE: Lemuria in GR/IV (also: maritime law, SpongeBob)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
Robert Mahnke
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
John Carvill
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
Paul Mackin
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
Mark Kohut
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
Paul Mackin
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
John Carvill
- Ayn Rand's Revenge
Mark Kohut
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Joe Allonby
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Matthew Ryan
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Joe Allonby
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Joe Allonby
- Badly Written, Mr. Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- Believing Too Much In Character
wooden jamie
- Believing Too Much In Character
Robin Landseadel
- Believing Too Much In Character
- billionaires
dougmillison at
- billionaires
malignd at
- billionaires
alice wellintown
- Billionaires for Right-Wing Populism
David Morris
- Boone's Farm
Mike B. (via The Phone)
- Boone's Farm
Joe Allonby
- Breckenridge Votes Overwhelmingly To Legalize Marijuana
David Morris
- Building an Unfinished Mystery
Dave Monroe
- Bulgarian Sounds
Robin Landseadel
- Bulgarian Sounds
Robin Landseadel
- Call it Capitalism
Dave Monroe
- Captain Planet vs. Adolf Hitler
Dave Monroe
- Catch-up on my drugs in TRP email
Mark Kohut
- CH 15
Joseph Tracy
- CH 15
kelber at
- CH 15
Dave Monroe
- CH 15
Mark Kohut
- CH 15
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 15 summary
Joseph Tracy
- Ch 15 summary
Dave Monroe
- Ch 15 summary
kelber at
- Ch 15 summary
Michael Bailey
- Ch 15 summary
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 15 summary
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Ch 15 summary
kelber at
- CH 15 the hard on
Joseph Tracy
- CH 15 the hard on
Michael Bailey
- CH 15 the hard on
Mark Kohut
- CH 15 the hard on
Robin Landseadel
- CH 15 the hard on
alice wellintown
- CH 15 the hard on
Mark Kohut
- CH 15 the hard on
Mark Kohut
- CH 15 the hard on
alice wellintown
- CH 15 the hard on
Joseph Tracy
- CH 15 the hard on
alice wellintown
- CH 15 the hard on
Joseph Tracy
- CH 15 the hard on
alice wellintown
- CH 15 the hard on
Robin Landseadel
- CH 15 the hard on
Michael Bailey
- CH 15 Turkey Host
alice wellintown
- CH 15 Turkey Host
Robin Landseadel
- CH 15 Turkey Host
Mark Kohut
- Changing My Mind
Dave Monroe
- Chap 16, the IV drip continues: Penny, a bad Penny?
Mark Kohut
- Chap 16, the IV drip continues: Penny, a bad Penny?
John Bailey
- Chap 16, the IV drip continues: Penny, a bad Penny?
Robin Landseadel
- Chap 16, the IV drip continues: Penny, a bad Penny?
Mark Kohut
- Chap 16, the IV drip continues: Penny, a bad Penny?
James Kyllo
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
Mark Kohut
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
alice wellintown
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
Mark Kohut
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
Richard Romeo
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
alice wellintown
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
Mark Kohut
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
Robin Landseadel
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
kelber at
- Chap 16, The Price of Wisdom is above Ruby's...
alice wellintown
- Clarence Clemons vs. Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Claude Levi-Strauss, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Claude Levi-Strauss, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Claude Levi-Strauss, requiescat in pace ...
Michael Bailey
- Claude Levi-Strauss, requiescat in pace ...
Michael Bailey
- Congratulations, Robin
Mark Kohut
- Contra James Woods
Dave Monroe
- Contra James Woods
Dave Monroe
- Cultural Capital in the Digital Era: Mapping the Success of Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- culture tracks lead to Vegas
Joseph Tracy
- culture tracks lead to Vegas
- Dark Side of the Moon
Dave Monroe
- Dark Side of the Moon
Monte Davis
- Dark Side of the Moon
Dave Monroe
- Dark Side of the Moon
- Darren in The Time Tunnel or something?
alice wellintown
- Deadly flaws in capitalism and Maxism
- Denial: The Liberal Utopia
Dave Monroe
- Denial: The Liberal Utopia
Richard Fiero
- Did we all remember this Chums adventure?..I dit'n
Mark Kohut
- Die Quellcodes der Literatur
- Doc Ellis and the LSD No-no
David Morris
- Dr. Dudley Eigenvalue lives!
Mark Kohut
- Drinking in Wisconsin
Dave Monroe
- Drugs in IV vs. GR
John Carvill
- Drugs in IV vs. GR
Victor Lazzarini
- Drugs in IV vs. GR
Mark Woollams
- Drugs in IV vs. GR
Victor Lazzarini
- Drugs in IV vs. GR [SIA for sillily stoning Beckett]
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Economic justice, billionaire style
- Edition of V.
Rich Clavey
- Edition of V.
Tore Rye Andersen
- Ein Meer von Spekulationen
- Energiesparlampe in schlechtem Licht
Dave Monroe
- Environmental Nightmares
David Morris
- Environmental Nightmares
kelber at
- Environmental Nightmares
David Morris
- Environmental Nightmares
Carvill, John
- Environmental Nightmares
David Morris
- Environmental Nightmares
Mark Kohut
- Environmental Nightmares
David Morris
- Environmental Nightmares
Robert Mahnke
- Environmental Nightmares
Robin Landseadel
- Environmental Nightmares
John Carvill
- Environmental Nightmares
Mark Kohut
- Environmental Nightmares
Joseph Tracy
- Ermittlungen eines Kiffers im ARPAnet
- Ermittlungen eines Kiffers im ARPAnet
Dave Monroe
- Ermittlungen eines Kiffers im ARPAnet
Dave Monroe
- erratum on Lyons' book
- Facebook
Dave Monroe
- Fang..Didja know it also meant "to drive at great speed"..not I
Mark Kohut
- Fang..Didja know it also meant "to drive at great speed"..not I
John Bailey
- Five Songs About Books
Dave Monroe
- Flagging/schedule change?
John Carvill
- Flagging/schedule change?
Mark Kohut
- Flagging/schedule change?
Dave Monroe
- Flagging/schedule change?
Michael Bailey
- for Lear's Fool & Paterson
alice wellintown
- Fw: late sixties slang in GR relevant to IV, typo corrected
Mark Kohut
- Fw: That TRP guy, amazing how (almost) everything connects
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: "allegory" - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: IVIV (13) scene one question
Peter Petto
- Fwd: IVIV (13) scene one question
Peter Petto
- Fwd: IVIV (13) scene one question
Mark Kohut
- geezers on ganja
Paul Mackin
- George Monbiot: Why the sudden surge in climate change denial?
John Young
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
Mark Kohut
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
alice wellintown
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
Robin Landseadel
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
Robin Landseadel
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
Robin Landseadel
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
kelber at
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
alice wellintown
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
John Bailey
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
Mark Kohut
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
John Bailey
- Good Morning from Manhattan Beach, 1970. Chap. 16, the IV of IV
Robin Landseadel
- GR-related: German rocket tests from 1932/33
János Székely
- Grace (and Beyond) before Thanksgiving from IV
Mark Kohut
- Grace (and Beyond) before Thanksgiving from IV
Robin Landseadel
- Great Cormac Interview in WSJ
- Happy 40th Birthday, Sesame Street!
Dave Monroe
- Happy 40th Birthday, Sesame Street!
Dave Monroe
- Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday, The Origin of Species!
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday, The Origin of Species!
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday LSD
David Morris
- Happy Birthday LSD
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birth Day to The Long Goodbye
alice wellintown
- Happy Birth Day to The Long Goodbye
Robin Landseadel
- Hillcoat--director of *The Road*
- Hipster Countercultures through the Decades
Dave Monroe
- Hollywood's Favorite Cowboy
Dave Monroe
- Homage to Thomas Pynchon's L.A. Trilogy
Carvill, John
- Homage to Thomas Pynchon’s L.A. Trilogy
Dave Monroe
- RE: Homage to Thomas Pynchon’s L.A. Trilogy
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- RE: Homage to Thomas Pynchon’s L.A. Trilogy
Mark Kohut
- How did the states establish long straight borders before GPS?
Dave Monroe
- How do we read ... ?
Rob Jackson
- How do we read Jack and Jill?
alice wellintown
- How do we read Jack and Jill?
Mark Kohut
- Human Replacement
Dave Monroe
- I'll come running to Thai your Balloon & Doc's a sky sawing Knight W/Talking backward
alice wellintown
- I'll come running to Thai your Balloon & Doc's a sky sawing Knight W/Talking backward
alice wellintown
- I'll come running to Thai your Balloon & Doc's a sky sawing Knight W/Talking backward
alice wellintown
- I'll come running to Thai your Balloon & Doc's a sky sawing Knight W/Talking backward
Joseph Tracy
- Imipolex? Gee!
Dave Monroe
- Imipolex? Gee!
Joe Allonby
- Impolex European Premier
Dave Monroe
- inherent vice - continuity issue
Victor Lazzarini
- inherent vice - continuity issue
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice audio book
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Virus
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Virus
Michael Bailey
- Internet Vices
Robin Landseadel
- In Which Pynchon, slighted maybe, makes an appearance,
Mark Kohut
- In Which Pynchon, slighted maybe, makes an appearance,
Thomas Beshear
- I traced my dad... and discovered he is Charles Manson
Dave Monroe
- IV "Ya gonna eat dis toikey"..J. Garfield in
Mark Kohut
- IV "Ya gonna eat dis toikey"..J. Garfield in
Michael Bailey
- IV "Ya gonna eat dis toikey"..J. Garfield in
Michael Bailey
- IV-playlist: some blue carpet treatment ;-)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- IV 14 Riggs again
Joseph Tracy
- IV 14 Riggs again
Victor Lazzarini
- IV 14 Riggs again again
Joseph Tracy
- IV 14 Riggs again again
Monte Davis
- IV 14 Riggs again again
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 259-261
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 259-261
John Bailey
- IV 15 259-261
Mark Kohut
- IV 15 259-261
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- IV 15 259-261
Mark Kohut
- IV 15 259-261
Carvill, John
- IV 15 259-261
Paul Mackin
- IV 15 259-261
John Bailey
- IV 15 259-261
Heikki Raudaskoski
- IV 15 259-261
kelber at
- IV 15 259-261
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 259-261
- IV 15 259-261
Michael Bailey
- IV 15 259-261: wikipedia on 'the undead"
Mark Kohut
- IV 15 259-261: wikipedia on 'the undead"
Paul Mackin
- IV 15 259-261: wikipedia on 'the undead"
- IV 15 259-261: wikipedia on 'the undead"
John Bailey
- IV 15 p256
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 p256
John Bailey
- IV 15 p256
Michael Bailey
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Richard Fiero
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
John Bailey
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Richard Fiero
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Michael Bailey
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Richard Fiero
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Joseph Tracy
- IV 15 p256 reprogramming the cash flow
Michael Bailey
- IV 15 p 257
Joseph Tracy
- IV epigram in real life again, sorta
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
alice wellintown
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
alice wellintown
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV 'indict a bean burrito', p. 277
Joseph Tracy
- IVing IV, "What a horrible little boy", p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV, a touching touch
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV, a touching touch
Michael Bailey
- IVing IV, a touching touch
alice wellintown
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
Dave Monroe
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
Michael Bailey
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
Joseph Tracy
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
alice wellintown
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
Mark Kohut
- IVing IV. "Can you read any of this?" p. 277
Joseph Tracy
- IVing IV cont. "Depone for me?" ...
Mark Kohut
- Iving the IV, "impulse-control deficit" overcome
Mark Kohut
- Iving the IV, "impulse-control deficit" overcome
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Monte Davis
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (12): 195-197
kelber at
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
kelber at
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
David Morris
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
David Morris
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Monte Davis
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Monte Davis
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Monte Davis
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
David Morris
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
David Morris
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Monte Davis
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
- IVIV (12): 195-197
David Morris
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
John Carvill
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Paul Mackin
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Monte Davis
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
- IVIV (12): 195-197
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (12): 195-197
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): 195-197
David Morris
- IVIV (12): 195-197
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): Running a little behind on posts
Michael Bailey
- IVIV(12): Screen-Door Salesmen
Dave Monroe
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
kelber at
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
kelber at
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Paul Mackin
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
kelber at
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Paul Mackin
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Dave Monroe
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
kelber at
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
kelber at
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Dave Monroe
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
alice wellintown
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Heikki Raudaskoski
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (12): Yakkin' Broads
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) a few more references
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) a few more references
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) a few to get started
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) a few to get started
- IVIV (13) a few to get started
Paul Mackin
- IVIV (13) host
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) host
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) host
Dave Monroe
- IVIV(13) references - trucks, tootees, classifieds
Peter Petto
- IVIV(13) references - trucks, tootees, classifieds
Michael Bailey
- IVIV(13) references - trucks, tootees, classifieds
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene four synopsis
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) scene four synopsis
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene four synopsis
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene four synopsis
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) scene one question
kelber at
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene one question
kelber at
- IVIV (13) scene one question
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Carvill
- IVIV (13) scene one question
- IVIV (13) scene one question
David Morris
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Carvill
- IVIV (13) scene one question
- IVIV (13) scene one question
David Morris
- IVIV (13) scene one question
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Carvill
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Carvill
- IVIV (13) scene one question
David Morris
- IVIV (13) scene one question
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Tore Rye Andersen
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Dave Monroe
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene one question
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (13) scene one question
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (13) scene one question. AFTERWORD
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
Mark Kohut
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
kelber at
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
kelber at
- IVIV (13) scene three synopsis
- IVIV (13) scene two synopsis and references
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) scene two synopsis and references
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (13) synopsis, scene 1
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) what are these three?
Peter Petto
- IVIV (13) what are these three?
John Bailey
- IVIV (13) what are these three?
Clément Lévy
- IVIV (13-14) Las Vegas
Clément Lévy
- IVIV (13-14) Las Vegas
- IVIV (14): Byzantine Archways and Crystal Lusters
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (14): Byzantine Archways and Crystal Lusters
- IVIV (14): Grill Cooks and Tire Salesmen
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (14): North Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (14): North Las Vegas
John Carvill
- IVIV (14): North Las Vegas
- IVIV (14): North Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (14): North Las Vegas
Michael Bailey
- IVIV (14): North Las Vegas
- IVIV (14): Postmodern Logorrhea
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (14): Postmodern Logorrhea
- IVIV (14): Postmodern Logorrhea
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/2747000 Romaine revisited
Richard Fiero
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/2747000 Romaine revisi ted
Richard Fiero
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/2747000 Romaine Street Revisited
Richard Fiero
- IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Joseph Tracy
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Mark Kohut
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Joseph Tracy
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine revisited
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine Street Revisited
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine Street Revisited
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 269/274—7000 Romaine Street Revisited
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (15) 273 "Look Familiar?"
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV (15) 273 "Look Familiar?"
Dave Monroe
- IVIV (15) 273 "Look Familiar?"
Dave Monroe
- IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Mark Kohut
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Mark Kohut
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Mark Kohut
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Mark Kohut
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Joseph Tracy
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Joseph Tracy
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
alice wellintown
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Michael Bailey
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Michael Bailey
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Michael Bailey
- Re: IVIV (15) 273—7000 Romaine, Los Angeles 38
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Michael Bailey
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Michael Bailey
- IVIV: (14) Dope & Longing in Las Vegas
Michael Bailey
- IVIV: audio version
kelber at
- IVIV: audio version
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: audio version
Mark Kohut
- IVIV: audio version
Victor Lazzarini
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
John Bailey
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
Joseph Tracy
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: Golden Fang/Howard Hughes
Michael Bailey
- IVIV: Howard Hughes & Summa Corp.
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: Howard Hughes & Summa Corp.
Joe Allonby
- IVIV: Howard Hughes & Summa Corp.
kelber at
- IVIV: Hughes & the Bomb
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV: Hughes & the Bomb
Carvill, John
- IVIV: Hughes & the Bomb
Mark Kohut
- IVIV: Spongy Lemuria
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- IVIV Bigfoot
dougmillison at
- IVIV Bigfoot
Mark Kohut
- IVIV Bigfoot
dougmillison at
- IVIV Bigfoot
Peter Petto
- IVIV dark vision
dougmillison at
- IVIV dark vision
alice wellintown
- IVIV Golden Fang
dougmillison at
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Dave Monroe
- IVIV Group Read schedule (in progress)
Mark Kohut
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
alice wellintown
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Mark Kohut
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Mark Kohut
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
alice wellintown
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
alice wellintown
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Richard Fiero
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Paul Mackin
- IVIV IV & Playboy article
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV photos, etc.
Doug Millison
- IVIV photos, etc.
- IVIV photos, etc.
Doug Millison
- IVIV pot and LSD and killing
dougmillison at
- IVIV Pynchon & TV; Agamben
dougmillison at
- IVIV Pynchon & TV; Agamben
- IVIV Pynchon & TV; Agamben
Monte Davis
- IVIV rooms, buildings, vehicles bigger inside than outside
dougmillison at
- IVIV rooms, buildings, vehicles bigger inside than outside
malignd at
- IVIV rooms, buildings, vehicles bigger inside than outside
James Kyllo
- IVIV rooms, buildings, vehicles bigger inside than outside
Richard Romeo
- IVIV sex
Doug Millison
- IVIV Stoned Sportello = The High Window
dougmillison at
- IVIV Stoned Sportello = The High Window
Robin Landseadel
- IVIV very tangential: Manson and French pronunciation and the autumn of 1969
Michael Bailey
- IV vigilant america
Joseph Tracy
- Jagd nach dem Todesstrahl
Dave Monroe
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
David Morris
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
John Carvill
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
malignd at
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Rob Jackson
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
John Carvill
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Dave Monroe
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Heikki Raudaskoski
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Dave Monroe
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Heikki Raudaskoski
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Dave Monroe
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
kelber at
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
kelber at
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Dave Monroe
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
John Carvill
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Robin Landseadel
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Mark Woollams
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Robert Jackson
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Mark Kohut
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Robert Jackson
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Mark Kohut
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Mark Kohut
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
kelber at
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
kelber at
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Rob Jackson
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Heikki Raudaskoski
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
kelber at
- James Wood On Pynchon's Characters
Michael Bailey
- Japanese youth are SOS (virgins and dynamoes reconsidered)
alice wellintown
- Japanese youth are SOS (virgins and dynamoes reconsidered)
Carvill, John
- Japanese youth are SOS (virgins and dynamoes reconsidered)
alice wellintown
John Carvill
alice wellintown
Carvill, John
Robin Landseadel
Ray Easton
Mark Kohut
Carvill, John
kelber at
Robin Landseadel
Mark Kohut
Monte Davis
Carvill, John
- Jules Siegel on Hunter S Thompson
John Carvill
- late sixties slang in GR relevant to IV
Mark Kohut
- Leaves You Wanting Less
Dave Monroe
- Leaves You Wanting Less
Carvill, John
- Lemuria in GR
Mark Kohut
- Lemuria in GR (also: maritime law, SpongeBob)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Lemuria in GR (also: maritime law, SpongeBob)
Mark Kohut
- Lemuria in GR (also: maritime law, SpongeBob)
- listening to Beethoven
- literature_book Cinematic Fictions: The NP: Impact of the Cinema on the American Novel up to World War II - by David Seed.
Mark Kohut
- Logicomix & Alastor or The Spirit of Solitude
alice wellintown
- M&D and the Ampersand
- M&D and the Ampersand
Dave Monroe
- M&D and the Ampersand
Dave Monroe
- M&D and the Ampersand
Robert Mahnke
- M&D and the Ampersand
Dave Monroe
- M&D and the Ampersand
- M&D and the Ampersand
Dave Monroe
- M&D and the Ampersand
Robert Mahnke
- M&D and the Ampersand
Dave Monroe
- M&D and the Ampersand
Robert Mahnke
- Mind Reading Computer
Robin Landseadel
- Mind Reading Computer
Joseph Tracy
- Misc. A little P; a little C. McCarthy and a link????
Mark Kohut
- Misc. Kute Korrespondence, near end of Ch 15
Mark Kohut
- Misc. possibly IV related.
Mark Kohut
- Misc. twitter Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- MISC. W.A.S.T.E.
Mark Kohut
- More Hollow Earth, Return of the Popobawa
Dave Monroe
- More P info learned while hunting somethin' else
Mark Kohut
- More P info learned while hunting somethin' else
Ian Livingston
- More things I learned by accident that sorta float around Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- music and math
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Mystery of Argleton, the 'Google' town that only exists online
Dave Monroe
- Mystery of Argleton, the 'Google' town that only exists online
- National Basketball Association Awards
- National Basketball Association Awards
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- National Basketball Association Awards
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- National Basketball Association Awards
- National Basketball Association Awards
Joe Allonby
- National Basketball Association Awards
malignd at
- National Basketball Association Awards
malignd at
- National Basketball Association Awards
- National Book Awards
Dave Monroe
- Newsflash: Other People have read Raymond Chandler!
Carvill, John
- Not Drugs ...
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
kelber at
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Mark Kohut
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Robin Landseadel
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Mark Kohut
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Robin Landseadel
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Mark Kohut
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
alice wellintown
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
John Bailey
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Joseph Tracy
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Clément Lévy
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Paul Mackin
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau:
Mark Kohut
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
alice wellintown
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Dave Monroe
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Robin Landseadel
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Victor Lazzarini
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
alice wellintown
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Robin Landseadel
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
alice wellintown
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Robin Landseadel
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Michael Bailey
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Michael Bailey
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Michael Bailey
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Robin Landseadel
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Henry Musikar
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
alice wellintown
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
alice wellintown
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
- Not Drugs The Anatomy of Melville's Melancholy (Thoreau: "when men are prepared for it")
Robin Landseadel
- Not identical!
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Not quite P, but amazing what our discussions lead to
Mark Kohut
- Not quite P, but amazing what our discussions lead to
- NP
Charles Albert
- NP, Obama & America, but perennial Pynchon theme
Mark Kohut
- NP, Obama & America, but perennial Pynchon theme
Michael Bailey
- NP--CIA in Italy
- NP. Q for all Beatles' aficionados on the plist. And moviegoers.
Mark Kohut
- NP. Q for all Beatles' aficionados on the plist. And moviegoers.
David Morris
- NP: Abandoned Places In The World
Robin Landseadel
- NP: James Wood on Paul Auster
Robert Mahnke
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
Michael Bailey
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
alice wellintown
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
Joe Allonby
- NP: Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit
alice wellintown
- NP: Reminiscent of Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- NP: Reminiscent of Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Robert Altman (not from the LA Free Press)
Peter Petto
- NP: Robert Altman (not from the LA Free Press)
John Carvill
- NP: Some Want To Read This Shit
- NP; but this reality would be a satiric scene in Pynchon....
Mark Kohut
- NP; but this reality would be a satiric scene in Pynchon....
kelber at
- NP but Melville and a P prediction
Mark Kohut
- NP but Plazoleta Julio Cortazar
Mark Kohut
- NP but VN
Mark Kohut
- NP except............he always knew this
Mark Kohut
- NP except............he always knew this
Joe Allonby
- RE: np Hert[h]a Müller
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- np Hertha Müller
- np Phantom Time Hypothesis
- Obliquely P: Vegas is Everywhere
Mark Kohut
- Offlist but P.'s GR again
Mark Kohut
- on Grace and Beyond in IV
Mark Kohut
- on Grace and Beyond in IV
Ian Livingston
- on Grace and Beyond in IV
Mark Kohut
- on Grace and Beyond in IV
Ian Livingston
- on Grace and Beyond in IV
Joe Allonby
- on pot, not just legal soon...but at Candlebrow U. too!
Mark Kohut
- On the Fritz
- on the Sportello thread
Mark Kohut
- on the Sportello thread
David Morris
- on the Sportello thread
alice wellintown
- Orhan Pamuk @ The NYRB
Dave Monroe
- Orhan Pamuk @ The NYRB
Joseph Tracy
- origin of a Pynchon casserole recipe
Mark Kohut
- Our New Deathkingdom
Dave Monroe
- P-List Outage?
Dave Monroe
- P-List Outage?
Dave Monroe
- P.'s GR again
Mark Kohut
- Penguin flogs it (and sells some books)
Dave Monroe
- Penguin flogs it (and sells some books)
Dave Monroe
- Puck
- Puck (Beaverton)
grladams at
- Pynchon & SpongeBob
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Pynchon & The Occult
John Carvill
- Pynchon's Book (seven chapters)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Pynchon's Book (seven chapters)
Carvill, John
- Pynchon's Winding Stair
alice wellintown
- Pynchon's Winding Stair
- Pynchon's Winding Stair
Joseph Tracy
- Pynchon's Winding Stair
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's Winding Stair
Joseph Tracy
- Pynchon's Winding Stair
alice wellintown
- Pynchon-"Prisoner" Kute Korrespondence...or is it?
David Kipen
- Pynchon-"Prisoner" Kute Korrespondence...or is it?
David Morris
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7236
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7241
Michael Bailey
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7241
Robert Mahnke
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #72458
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7265
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7265
malignd at
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
Joe Allonby
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
Dave Monroe
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
Dave Monroe
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7267
malignd at
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7272
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7272
Krafft, John M.
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7272
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7272
Robin Landseadel
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7272
malignd at
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7274
John Carvill
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7274
malignd at
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7295
Roy Cross
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #7309
John Carvill
- Pynchon/Chandler
- Pynchon and the Era
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon and the Era
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon and the Era
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon Award given to 3 for service
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Award given to 3 for service
Clément Lévy
- Pynchon fans will find themselves in familiar territory
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Fence
Mark Woollams
- Pynchon Fence
- Pynchon in Guanajuato
David Kipen
- Pynchon in Guanajuato
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon in Guanajuato
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon in Guanajuato
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon knows what he’s doing.
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon theme from Darwin on his anniversary?
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon theme from Darwin on his anniversary?
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Pynchon theme from Darwin on his anniversary?
- Pynchon theme from Darwin on his anniversary?
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Pynchon´s Reasons
- Re: Pynchon´s Reasons
- queries inherent vice
Auke Leistra
- queries inherent vice
Clément Lévy
- queries inherent vice
Tore Rye Andersen
- queries inherent vice
Henry Musikar
- queries inherent vice
Auke Leistra
- queries inherent vice
Charles Albert
- queries inherent vice
David Morris
- queries inherent vice
- queries inherent vice
Mark Kohut
- queries inherent vice
Auke Leistra
- queries inherent vice
James Kyllo
- queries inherent vice
Robin Landseadel
- queries inherent vice
Charles Albert
- queries inherent vice
David Morris
- queries inherent vice
Auke Leistra
- queries inherent vice
- queries inherent vice
Auke Leistra
- queries inherent vice
Mark Kohut
- queries inherent vice
Joe Allonby
- queries inherent vice
David Kipen
- queries inherent vice
Charles Albert
- queries inherent vice
grladams at
- queries inherent vice
David Morris
- queries inherent vice
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- R.I.P. Robert Enke
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Raymond Federman, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Re. Dark Side of the Moon
John Carvill
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
John Carvill
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
alice wellintown
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
Joseph Tracy
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
kelber at
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
Michael Bailey
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
Mark Kohut
- Re. Vegas, list trouble etc.
Joe Allonby
- related to Pynchon's California
Mark Kohut
- related to Pynchon's California
- Revolution in the Head
Robin Landseadel
- Robert Stone, B&N
malignd at
- Robert Stone, B&N
Monte Davis
- Robert Stone, B&N
alice wellintown
- Robert Stone, B&N
Tore Rye Andersen
- Robert Stone, B&N
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Robert Stone, B&N
John Carvill
- Rosenbaum on Arendt & Hobson on "fangs"....
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Richard Fiero
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Richard Fiero
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
alice wellintown
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
kelber at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Ray Easton
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Ray Easton
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Ray Easton
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Ray Easton
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
kelber at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robert Mahnke
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
alice wellintown
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Richard Fiero
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Joseph Tracy
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Mark Kohut
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Carvill, John
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Joseph Tracy
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Robin Landseadel
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
malignd at
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
David Morris
- rubrics (I like that word), wrecking crews and hugfests
Michael Bailey
- Rushdie essay reinstated by new Granta editor
Dave Monroe
- schedule change?
Joseph Tracy
- schedule change?
Michael Bailey
- schedule change?
John Bailey
- schedule change?
Peter Petto
- schedule change?
Ian Livingston
- schedule change?
Robin Landseadel
- schedule change?
Dave Monroe
- schedule change?
Joseph Tracy
- schedule change?
Dave Monroe
- Scrivener needed...
David Kipen
- Scrivener needed...
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Scrivener needed...
Michel Ryckx
- Scrivener needed...
Dave Monroe
- Sexual Types & Technics
alice wellintown
- Soaring flights of fancy
Dave Monroe
- Speaking of Railroads
- Speaking of Railroads
David Morris
- Speaking of Railroads
David Morris
- Speaking of Railroads
- Speaking of Railroads
- Speaking of Railroads
David Morris
- Speaking of Railroads
- Speaking of Railroads
Ray Easton
- Speaking of Railroads
- Speaking of Railroads
- Speaking of Railroads
Michael Bailey
- Speaking of Railroads
Michael Bailey
- Speaking of Railroads
David Morris
- Speaking of Railroads
Michael Bailey
- Speaking of Railroads
John Bailey
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
John Carvill
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Joseph Tracy
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
John Carvill
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
John Carvill
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
David Morris
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
John Carvill
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
David Morris
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
John Carvill
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
John Carvill
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
David Morris
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Sportello - Door/Window/Doc/Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Spreadsheet style concordance for GR and AtD
- Spreadsheet style concordance for GR and AtD
Dave Monroe
- Spreadsheet style concordance for GR and AtD
Monte Davis
- Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never Made
Dave Monroe
- Storm of Steel
Dave Monroe
- Strange Names
Henry Musikar
- Strange Names
Monte Davis
- Strange Names
Mark Kohut
- Strange Names
Robin Landseadel
- Strange Names
Richard Fiero
- Strange Names
Robin Landseadel
- Strange Names
- Strange Names
Robin Landseadel
- Strange Names/ "Tender is the Night" [1934]
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Strange Names/ "Tender is the Night" [1934]
- Strange Names/ "Tender is the Night" [1934]
alice wellintown
- Strange Names/ "Tender is the Night" [1934]
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Subject supposed to know
Dave Monroe
- Subject supposed to know
Dave Monroe
- Swastika Night
Dave Monroe
- Swastika Night
- Teabaggers punk'd by anti-racists ...
Dave Monroe
- Teabaggers punk'd by anti-racists ...
Joe Allonby
- Ten Favourite Full-Length Films Online for Free
Dave Monroe
- Ten Favourite Full-Length Films Online for Free
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Terrance's day job
Paul Mackin
- Terrance's day job
Joseph Tracy
- Terrance in Aliceland
Robin Landseadel
- The "Third Man Factor"
Mark Woollams
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Michel Ryckx
- The Ampersand and the Capital
malignd at
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Michael Bailey
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Clément Lévy
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Mark Kohut
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Mark Kohut
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Dave Monroe
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Rob Jackson
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Dave Monroe
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Dave Monroe
- The Ampersand and the Capital
Dave Monroe
- The Anxiety of Obsolescence
alice wellintown
- The Apex Book of World SF
Dave Monroe
- The artificial hand that can 'feel'
Dave Monroe
- The Benzene Ring of the Niebelung?
David Kipen
- The Benzene Ring of the Niebelung?
Mark Kohut
- The Benzene Ring of the Niebelung?
Monte Davis
- The Book Behind the Sewer-Alligator Legend
Dave Monroe
- The Book Behind the Sewer-Alligator Legend
kelber at
- The Book Behind the Sewer-Alligator Legend
Joe Allonby
- The Critique of Technology
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The dark side of the internet
Dave Monroe
- The Death of Mistakes is the Death of Rock
- The Death of Mistakes is the Death of Rock
Joe Allonby
- The Death of Mistakes Means the Death of Rock
Dave Monroe
- the digest
Toby Levy
- The Dynamo and Sixteen Vestal Virgins Reconsidered
alice wellintown
- The Evil of Banality
Dave Monroe
- The Evil of Banality
Michael Bailey
- The Evil of Banality
- The Evil of Banality
Robert Mahnke
- The Evil of Banality
Mark Kohut
- The Evil of Banality
Richard Romeo
- The Evil of Banality
Joseph Tracy
- The Evil of Banality
Robert Mahnke
- The Evil of Banality [Playlist Addition]
- The first man-made object to leave earth's atmosphere ...
Dave Monroe
- The First World War Poetry Digital Archive
Dave Monroe
- The Hale Scrapbook
Dave Monroe
- The Hale Scrapbook
Monte Davis
- The Ice Caps Are Melting
Henry Musikar
- The Ice Caps Are Melting
Henry Musikar
- The Ice Caps Are Melting
Monte Davis
- The IV drip of IV, Chap 16, "the men's lockup"
Mark Kohut
- The IV drip of IV, Chap 16, "the men's lockup"
alice wellintown
- The IV of IV, Chap 16, "it might as well be stewardii ...around here"
Mark Kohut
- The IV of IV, Chap 16, 'castanets"
Mark Kohut
- The IV of IV, Chap 16. You can learn so much from a pynchon novel......
Mark Kohut
- The New Trystero
Mark Woollams
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Robin Landseadel
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Rob Jackson
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
malignd at
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
John Bailey
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Michael Bailey
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Monte Davis
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
alice wellintown
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Michael Bailey
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
John Bailey
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
alice wellintown
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- The precultural paradigm of expression in the works of Pynchon
alice wellintown
- The Road (2009)
Dave Monroe
- The Road (2009)
Mark Kohut
- The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know it (1977)
Dave Monroe
- The Symphony of Science
Dave Monroe
- The Symphony of Science
James Kyllo
- The Symphony of Science
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Thomas Pynchon: 'Inherent Vice'
Carvill, John
- Thomas Pynchon: 'Inherent Vice'
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon: ‘Inherent Vice’
Dave Monroe
- Re: Thomas Pynchon: ‘Inherent Vice’
Robin Landseadel
- Re: Thomas Pynchon: ‘Inherent Vice’
Robert Mahnke
- Re: Thomas Pynchon: ‘Inherent Vice’
Joseph Tracy
- Re: Thomas Pynchon: ‘Inherent Vice’
Robin Landseadel
- Re: Thomas Pynchon: ‘Inherent Vice’
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon reading
- Those high-rises that moved into Manhattan Beach
Mark Kohut
- Those high-rises that moved into Manhattan Beach
John Bailey
- Tiny Tim
- Tristitia
Dave Monroe
- Tristitia
Joe Allonby
- Two squirrels fighting in 311
Richard Fiero
- Umberto Eco: "Die unendliche Liste"
- Unseen WW2 Footage
- Updike on Pynchon
Mark Woollams
- V
Dave Monroe
- Vegas
Richard Fiero
- Vegas
alice wellintown
- Vegas
Mark Kohut
- Vegas
Richard Fiero
- Vegas
alice wellintown
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Joseph Tracy
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Michael Bailey
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
grladams at
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Joseph Tracy
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Robin Landseadel
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Mark Kohut
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Paul Mackin
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Mark Kohut
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
Michael Bailey
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
alice wellintown
- Vegas, list trouble etc.
alice wellintown
- Velvet, velveteen, Velveeta
Mark Kohut
- Video of Tiny Tim performance mentioned in Pynchon's Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- Voters Choose Flannery O’Connor in National Book Award Poll
Dave Monroe
- VV(11): Gyrocompass
Dave Monroe
- Wayne Biddle's Dark Side of the Moon ("...those with the powern and money to create archives...")
alice wellintown
- What Earth Would Look Like With Rings Like Saturn
Dave Monroe
- What Thomas Pynchon Took
Dave Monroe
- What Thomas Pynchon Took
Joe Allonby
- What Thomas Pynchon Took
Robin Landseadel
- Wheat, chaff, stalks, seeds
alice wellintown
- Who's the fucking nihilist here?
- Who's the fucking nihilist here?
Dave Monroe
- Who's the fucking nihilist here?
Dave Monroe
- Who needs the CIA: Photography & A Nation of Snitches
alice wellintown
- Who needs the CIA: Photography & A Nation of Snitches
Richard Fiero
- Who needs the CIA: Photography & A Nation of Snitches
Mark Kohut
- Will Everyone Please Stop Freaking Out about Ayn Rand?!?
Dave Monroe
- William S. Burroughs, "Thanksgiving Prayer"
Dave Monroe
- William T. Vollmann's pistol-packing past
Dave Monroe
- William T. Vollmann's pistol-packing past
- WWII declassified photos (GR-related)
Victor Lazzarini
- Yes, right-wingers dig it , too
- Zizek @ Coopers Union
Dave Monroe
- Zombie: "I woudn't touch her with my d*ck, and it's dead.
David Morris
- Zombie: "I woudn't touch her with my d*ck, and it's dead.
- Zombie: "I woudn't touch her with my d*ck, and it's dead.
David Morris
- Zombie: "I woudn't touch her with my d*ck, and it's dead.
- Zombie Buildings
David Morris
- Zonenhippies feiern unterm Kirchendach
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 23:11:25 CST 2009
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:00:06 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).